
Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Adran was young, malicious fey routinely stole him away into the Shadowfell, leaving him there sometimes for days at a time. As the years passed, the experience had a profound effect on him, separating him from his family and peers. Adran was fostered to his uncle - his father's brother - whose own experience as a well-travelled druid helped him understand what his nephew was enduring.

Growing into a young man, Adran began slowly re-integrating with his tribe. His powers as a druid and service to the community earned respect and bridged the gap his unorthodox childhood had created. He made a name for himself as a finder of the lost, winning some renown, more importantly, and the gratitude of his tribe.

Eventually, Adran was called back to the Shadowfell in pursuit of another lost child: a new victim of the same fey who had plagued his childhood. This time, the fey were more malevolent, and Adran had no recourse but violence to rescue their victim. Returning home, Adran found the gulf between himself and his tribe reopened, at least for him. He set off under the pretense of finding other lost souls. In truth, he no longer feels at home in the tranquility of his birthplace and seeks solace in communion with the wider world.

Morality & Philosophy

I judge people by their actions, not their words.

There’s no good in pretending to be something I’m not.

Personality Characteristics


I suffer isolation from my people so that others need not.

Vices & Personality flaws

I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.

Personality Quirks

I only eat meat when I have bloody deeds on my mind.


Contacts & Relations

Adran has several allies among the shadar-kai, with whom his name carries some weight. The Unseelie Court is somewhat displeased with Adran's conduct on his last trip into the Shadowfell.

Neutral Good
Year of Birth
1447 DR 45 Years old
Deep Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey Blue
7' 6"
255 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan


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