Arislan Kinwarden Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Arislan Kinwarden

Arislan Kinwarden

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arislan is more fit and physically adept than a typical mage, owing to his training as a bladesinger. He possesses uncanny grace and seems to flow from pose to pose.

Specialized Equipment

Though he typically carries a fine but normal rapier, Arislan is known to wield a sun blade when battling supernatural evil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arislan was born to a decadent community of sun elves whose arrogance and disdain for other races had sunk to horrific depths. They had gone so far as animating humans and dwarves executed for so-called “crimes” as undead slaves, such being the only station they were fit for, and begun allying with servants of the demon lord Graz’zt.

Arislan’s parents were disgusted by their sickly, albino son. Even so, they were unwilling to kill one of their “perfect” race. They abandoned him to an elven temple halfway across Faerûn and never looked back.

What their degenerate clan didn’t realize was that Corellon Larethian, father of elfkind, had decided it was time to put an end to them. He had been sending omens of his displeasure for years, but the elves had fallen too far to heed them. He saw in Arislan a fitting way to deliver justice both divine and poetic. Within the temple, Arislan was trained as a bladesinger in service to Corellon. When he was ready, the temple equipped him with protection from his clan’s magic and a weapon to destroy their undead servitors. Arislan led an army of bladesingers and clerics to eliminate his former clan. The assault did not last long. The army delivered Corellon's judgement. The only mercy was in their swift annihilation.

With the Elf-father’s will executed, Arislan was offered a peaceful career at the temple or, if he so chose, to leave the mortal world behind and join Corellon and the rest of the elven gods in Arvandor's tranquil splendor. Arislan chose instead to venture into the wider world and continue to champion life and freedom, and thus went his own way with Corellon’s blessings.

Out in the Sword Coast, word of Arislan's involvement in the destruction of an elf community spread, but not of the evil nature of those slain. The label "Kinslayer" begain to follow him wherever he went, and with it the disdain of sun and moon elves alike. It bothered him little. When a call went out for adventurers to aid in the fight against the Cult of Dragon, Arislan answered, joining the company of Dakkon Blackblade and his allies in service to the Lords' Alliance. In the course of their mission, the adventurers slew a green dragon oppressing the Misty Forest. In recognition of his service, King Melandrach of the wood elves renamed Arislan "Kinwarden", and proclaimed his valor before the entire Lords' Alliance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

With his friends and allies, defeated the Cult of the Dragon and prevented Tiamat from entering the material plane.

Morality & Philosophy

I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.

Compassion and selflessness are the noblest traits a person can aspire to.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

I look down on those who indulge in empty pleasures.


Contacts & Relations

Arislan is an ally of The Lords' Alliance.
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1388 DR 104 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"
112 lbs
Corellon Larethian
Known Languages

Common, Celestial, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan


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