Bahgtru (BOG-true)

(a.k.a. the Strong, the Leg Breaker, the Son of Gruumsh)

Divine Domains

Loyalty, brute strength

Tenets of Faith

The mighty shall crush the weak, thus strengthening the tribe. Scorn the shields of weakness and rely only on your physical prowess, for strength is enduring. Think not of crafty thoughts, for they undermine the strength of the tribe. Loyalty to your leader is all that is required of you.

Recently, an orc tribe called the Jagged Scythe has claimed Bahgtru has revealed to them a new path: the Law of Strength. The law confers honor and authority based on demonstrations of strength, but not just physical (though it is the most prized). Endurance, loyalty, and discipline are also considered desirable strengths.

In an event witnessed by members of the Order of the Gauntlet, non-orc adventurers confronted what they believe to have been an aspect of Bahgtru, manifested to test their might and judge whether they were worthy to represent the Jagged Scythe. The event seems to corroborate the claims that Bahgtru's nature is changing.

Divine Classification
Lawful Evil


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