Calling Horns

Calling Horns was nothing more than a trailside inn until a few years ago, when Tamalin Zoar bought the establishment and retired here. Using her hard-won wealth and influence, she attracted settlers to the region, giving rise to a small village whose citizens pay monthly “tithes” for Tamalin’s protection. Still spry at sixty, Tamalin is “the law” in Calling Horns — an irony that never ceases to amuse her. She employs nine deputies (N male and female veterans of various races) who live in the village proper to help keep the peace. Tamalin also gives free room and board to adventurers who help solve local problems. Given the village’s proximity to the Evermoors, few villagers have cause to complain about Tamalin’s protection racket. She keeps them safe from orcs, trolls, and other monsters, and that’s good enough for them.

Calling Horns stands where Jundar’s Pass meets up with the Evermoor Way. The intersection is marked by a cairn of weathered and lichen-covered orc skulls that commemorates the long-ago slaughter of a horde here. The village proper is made up of rows of small log cottages with bark-shingled rooftops. The Calling Horns Inn, a large fieldstone structure with adjoining stables, stands atop a ridge that overlooks the intersection, surrounded by tall, old trees. The inn’s cellar contains an impressive selection of ales and wines, as well as a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden exit in the hillside.

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