Church of Helm

The Church of Helm is the organized collective of clerics, paladins, fighters, guards and other martial protectors, who dedicate their service to the god of vigilance, Helm. They devote themselves to the protection of those who cannot protect themselves and share their skills and tenets with the guardians and defenders of Faerûn, and beyond.


  • The Council of Helm, comprised of four Archancels
  • Chancel (directly serves an Archancel)
  • Bishou (presides over a single realm)
  • Lector (local commander or investigator)
  • Ardeacon
  • Prelate
  • Vicarph
  • Pyrat (priest)
  • Novice
  • Honored Laity (officers within the church that are not members of Helm's clergy)
Vigilators or Hands of the Vigilant One
Controlled Territories

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