Desert Wind

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Desert Wind bestows magical benefits to any who attune themselves to it. However, deeper power lies locked within, unleashed when the attuned wielder performs certain rites. With each completed rite, the weapon's nature transforms, and you gain access to more of its special abilities. As soon as you become attuned to the sword, you feel it is yearning to become more. You must pay respect to its origins and reverse the folly of its creator.

When you grasp the hilt of this weapon, you feel a soft, warm breeze, scented with date palms and exotic spices, as though wafting from a desert bazaar. Only you feel this breeze, which might cause an occasional ripple in your clothing or through your hair. The blade grows exceedingly hot when wielded in battle, glowing red or even white to burn its targets. While attuned to the weapon, you are immune to temperature extremes. You feel neither the sting of bitter cold nor the oppression of intense heat.

Rite of the Flame

Prerequisite: Proficiency bonus +3

The first rite, the Rite of the Flame, requires you to thrust the blade into a source of tremendous heat, such as molten lava or flame originating from the plane of fire. The blade must be heated white-hot, then allowed to cool to its normal color, repeatedly and without interruption for 24 hours. At the end of the rite, the blade can be wreathed in flame at your command, and sweeping the sword in a wide arc can unleash a wave of flame at your foes.

Rite of the Clouds

Prerequisite: Proficiency bonus +4

The Rite of the Clouds must take place at the top of a mountain peak no less than 10,000 feet high, which you have climbed. Once there, you must burn 5,000 gp worth of incense pleasing to creatures of the air in a great bonfire that you stoked without the aid of magic. At the conclusion of the rite, you can direct the sword's enchantment towards attack or defense. You can also thrust the blade forward to summon a powerful gust of wind.

Rite of the Pauper

Prerequisite: Proficiency bonus +5

The Rite of the Pauper requires you to donate 10,000 gp worth of coin or valuables to a worthy cause and live in poverty for 30 days, possessing only a set of common clothes and no more than 1 cp for the duration. Possessions or wealth that you not willingly take do not interrupt the rite. At the end of the rite, you can use the sword's greatest abilities: Fan the Flames and Dust of the Desert.


This slender and graceful scimitar is crafted of shining steel, lustrous ivory, and polished gold. Its hilt is set with brilliant blue sapphires and fiery red rubies. At first glance, the weapon appears to be nothing more than a showpiece, a gaudy bit of belt-jewelry for a foppish noble. Closer examination, however, reveals the blade's perfect balance, keen edge, as well as a grip wrapped in wire—it will not slip in a hand slick with sweat or blood.

Desert Wind was commissioned by a wealthy and powerful merchant lord. In the course of amassing his wealth and influence, he accumulated powerful enemies in equal measure. Though he surrounded himself with the finest bodyguards and magical protections, he remained fearful of direct threats to his person. Thus it was he engaged an efreeti weaponsmith to forge a blade of tremendous power, then took the weapon to a djinni sorcerer to further laden it with protective enchantments. The result was a formidable weapon barely able to contain the power that thrummed within it. Sadly, this grand weapon was also the merchant's greatest folly, for he had expended his entire fortune in its creation. Impoverished and unable to sustain either his business or his protection, his foes closed in around him. He was eventually cornered by agents of an archdevil and dragged shrieking into the Nine Hells to face eternal torment. Desert Wind vanished with only rare and vague fables to hint at its fate.

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
3 lbs.


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