Dunleibhe (doon-LAWY-vuh)

Dunleibhe (a.k.a. Lord of Summer Thorns)

Dunleibhe, self-styled Lord of Summer Thorns, bested the Prince of Frost in what was supposed to be a friendly contest. In the presence of their hostess, the Queen of the Summer Court, the Prince of Frost was gracious in his defeat… graciousness which barely lasted a day.

Killing cold began to seep into Dunleibhe's demesnes, one by one. Pride prevented the green fey from seeking any formal redress from the Gloaming Court or involving Lord Oran, and instead he reached out into the material plane to grow an army with which to strike back at his tormentor.

In battle, Dunbleibhe takes a form 15 feet tall, with skin like deep brown bark, dark green leaves for hair and beard, eyes like fireflies and and branches like antlers crowning his head. He wears plate armor that seems carved from steel grey wood and carries a massive, thorny cudgel. His natural form is that of a 7-foot tall eladrin with a commanding presence, mahogany brown skin, green hair, and golden eyes.



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