Face of Gorm

This rectangular stone depicts a stylized dwarven face. Written in Dwarvish on the beard is the saying, “Friendship is more than a word. Weigh it carefully.” When the stone is charged, its eyes light with spectral flame, a tribute to Gorm Gulthyn, the Eternally Vigilant, the dwarven deity to whom the stone is dedicated.

When someone speaks the command phrase, “Aid us, Fire Eyes,” the fire in the stone’s eyes brightens into an orb of daylight. Within the light, astral dwarf warriors appear to aid the one who called them forth. The summoned warriors remain up to 10 minutes, at which time the glow in the artifact's eyes stops. The constructs the stone summons are unwilling to serve an evil creature. If such a creature calls the warriors forth, they attack their summoner.

Once used, the Face of Gorm must be recharged. Within the Chapel of the Watcher in Firehammer Hold stands a statue of a stylized dwarven warrior. On the statue, in Dwarvish, is the phrase “Greetings, Friends and Allies of the Watchers.” In the place where the warrior's face would be is a recess just the size of the Face of Gorm. If the artifact is inserted into the recess in the statue’s head, the statue and Face glow slightly. The roared battle cry of an army can be heard as if from a great distance. The Face of Gorm’s eyes ignite in spectral flame as bright as a candle and the item is recharged.

Article at D&D Beyond

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder


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