
When a frost giant is murdered in a dishonorable manner—perhaps poisoned, stabbed in the back, or killed while sleeping—the slain giant can rise as a frostmourn. Driven by its desire for vengeance, the frostmourn can turn the living into frozen statues with a touch or blast enemies with frigid wind. Achieving vengeance is not always enough to grant these creatures rest; often, their hatred and loathing of the living is sufficient to keep them roaming the wilds for years after their murderers are slain.

A frostmourn looks like a desiccated corpse mummified by exposure to bitter cold. It carries the marks of its death on its body: a wound that seeps frosty vapor or vibrant, purple veins showing the ravages of poison. It can momentarily dissolve its body into a swirling blizzard to avoid harm, reforming at a distance to continue its assault.


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