Haela Brightaxe

(a.k.a. Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden)

Divine Domains

Luck in battle, joy of battle, dwarven fighters

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Unsheathed sword wrapped in two spirals of flame

Tenets of Faith

Through battle you find validation, liberaton, and exultation. Trust in Haela to see you through the fray, and the monsters of the world shall fall to the sharp blades of your axes, regardless of their apparent strength and numbers. The Luckmaiden blesses those dwarves who believe in her beneficence and she, through her faithful, will always be there for the beleagured and besieged. Rejoice in the power of your swing in battle, the sound of your weapon smiting a worthy foe, and the challenge of the fray. If asked, show mercy to a noble foe who abides by a code of honor, but hold not your hand against the treacherous, the liars, and the honorless.

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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