Matsudo-Ryu Honor Sword


Matsuii Toru was gifted the legendary sword Kaze No Kami No Ken by Inuwashi, a powerful spirit of the air. Though he wielded the blade with great success, Matsui felt a need to take up his family katana once again. Taking to a wide, high plain, Matsui beseeched Inuwashi to reclaim Kaze No Kami No Ken. The air spirit was impressed by Matsui's commitment to his family honor, and blessed his family katana with the power of air and thunder. Considering his exile from the rest of his clan in Kozakura, Matsui declared the blade the seat of honor for his school of swordsmanship, Matsudo-Ryu.

Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
3 lbs


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