

The void is where there is nothing nor any form. Man cannot have knowledge of this because it is nothing. Since we have knowledge of what is, we therefore know what is not. That is the void, When the mind is clear and there are no clouds of confusion, this is the true void.
There is nothing beyond the single purpose of the present moment.
Be alert, clear-headed, and prepared.
Acquit yourself with bravery.
Demonstrate integrity in every word and action.
Serve compassionately for the benefit of others.


He who is intent on dying can be murdered. He who is intent on living can be captured. He who is intent on anger can be insulted. He who is self-conscious can be humiliated. He who is compassionate can be troubled.
It is best to dash in headlong than take a long, roundabout way, lest one's heart slacken or you miss your chance.
It is not sufficient just to remain calm in the event of catastrophe or emergency. When challenged by adversity, charge onwards with courage and jubilation, as a boat rises with the tide.
Disparage no foes and do not mock the transgressions of others. Needlessly making enemies will give rise to further hate. Invite even an evil man to trust you, and venture to put right his character.
No matter if the enemy has thousands of men, there is fulfillment in simply standing them off and being determined to cut them all down, starting from one end.
Approach the enemy like a stone smashing into an egg.
Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate.
At times because of one man’s evil, ten thousand people suffer. So, you kill that one man to let the tens of thousands live. Here, truly, the blade that deals death becomes the sword that saves lives.
I do not know how to defeat others. All I know is the path to defeat myself. Today, one must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. The pursuit of perfection is a lifelong quest that has no end.


Mastery of war requires balance. A man who only knows war fails at both war and at life.
Keeping a country whole is better than bringing harm to it, even if victory were to be gained. Fighting and winning a hundred wars is not the greatest good. The greatest good is getting the enemy to surrender without ever having to fight.
Knowing the times will allow you to see into your opponent’s mind and understand his intentions.
Becoming the enemy means thinking of yourself as if you are in the opponent’s body.
To cause confusion is to make the enemy lose his resolute state of mind.
Arm and train all who wish to become warriors.
Never dishonour yourself by poisoning wells, tainting fields, engaging in torture, or murdering non-combatants.
It is not good to be preoccupied with the length of the sword.
The most important principle when taking a sword into your hands is to cut down your enemy.
When the enemy strikes and you also decide to strike, you hit with your body and with your spirit.
The end is important in all things.
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