Milo Goodleaf

Milo Goodleaf is average size for a halfling, meaning he barely comes to the waist of an adult human. He has a quick wit, sharp eyes, and an even sharper tongue. He claims to be a treasure hunter and adventurer for hire, and has a tendency to simply appear and disappear without anyone noticing. He has a soft spot for children, and often entertains them with stories, acrobatic antics, juggling, or sleight of hand tricks. Milo wields a short blade with amazing speed and grace, and he rarely misses with a thrown dagger or hand crossbow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Truth of the matter is, Milo Goodleaf is a fiction. There was once a halfling who became a charlatan and a con artist; neither cruel nor malicious, but entirely selfish and thoughtless. After years of betraying the trust of his community, his reputation was ruined. Friendless and disowned by his family, he was driven from his home with only a few meagre possessions.

He wandered a few miles or more in a daze, eventually stopping at the edge of a small, tranquil lake. After many hours of soul searching, he resolved that his life had to end. At that moment, one halfling died, and Milo Goodleaf was born. Milo is kind and caring. He has an eye for treasure, but never at the expense of the welfare of others. Milo left that beach and started his career as an adventurer.

Morality & Philosophy

I am always calm, no matter the situation. I never let my emotions control me.

There’s no good in pretending to be something I’m not.

Personality Characteristics


I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

Vices & Personality flaws

I like to act alone and keep people guessing.

I am a little too confident in my skills.

Neutral Good
Year of Birth
1472 DR 20 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 0"
40 lbs
Known Languages

Common, Halfling


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