Nils Hellstrom

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Two humans - a swordmaster and paladin of Helm named Manven Greycastle and a ranger named Khaleid - and an avariel (winged elf) cleric called Nim discover they are descendants of, respectively, a silver dragon, a succubus, and a djinni, who allied centuries earlier to defeat a mind-controlling yuan-ti vampire. The three are joined by a young wizard, Nils Hellstrom, and with the aid of their ancestors, thwart the resurrected vampire's attempt to rebuild his secret empire of enslaved minds. In the course of the quest, Nils forges a greater connection with the goddess of magic, Mystra, granting him a lifespan of indeterminate duration.

In the aftermath of the vampire's destruction, Nils masters the art of the bladesong under the tutelage of an avariel wizard. He also meets a young smuggler named Dallon, the orphaned son of a murdered noble living on the fringes of society. Nils teaches the ranger about the planes and sets him on the path of a horizon walker.

When the death of Mystra destroyed the Weave, many wizards died or were driven mad by the cataclysm. Nils survives but loses his mind and his magic as the goddess Shar creates her own Shadow Weave. Traveling the Feywild, Dallon is protected from the ravages of the Spellplague, returning to Toril many years later. He searches for and finds Nils, entrusting the debilitated mage to the care of a monastery of Ilmater.

During the Second Sundering, Nils' mind and most of his magical power are restored as Shar's Shadow Weave begins to unravel and Mystra's resurrection becomes nigh. All the wealth he'd accumulated pre-Spellplague was, naturally, long gone. In Waterdeep, Nils claims to be a novice mage seeking wealth. He joins a company of privateers (mercenary pirates) loosely allied with the Lords' Alliance and operating along the Sword Coast. He reveals his true might when the opportunity arises to plunder the treasure of a marid sultan.

With much of his wealth recovered, Nils establishes himself in the Upper City of Baldur's Gate and becomes a behind-the-scenes patron to promising adventurers who lack the resources of organizations like the Harpers. He deliberately crafts a mystery of his own history, mixing mentions of his long age with myths of a fictional pirate youth, further confused by people who remember sailing with "young" Nils and those who have learned stories of a mage of the same name that predate the Spellplague. The result is an enigmatic tale of a wizard who has only been around a few years yet simultaneously seems to have existed for much, much longer.

Morality & Philosophy

My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.

I like a job well done, especially if I can convince someone else to do it.

Personality Characteristics


I would do just about anything for the heroes I call my friends.

Vices & Personality flaws

My pride will probably lead to my destruction.

Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1342 DR 150 Years old
Sandy blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 0"
179 lbs
Related Reports
Known Languages

Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Illuskan


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