Thavius Kreeg

In 1444 DR, after Elturel was conquered by a vampire lord, a priest of Torm named Thavius Kreeg appealed to any power to help him save his holy city. In that instant, Zariel emerged from a pillar of fire and offered him a deal, which Thavius readily accepted.

In the sky over Elturel, a radiant sphere called the Companion appeared, blazing like a second sun. The Companion bathed Elturel and the surrounding countryside in holy light which sent the vampire lord scrambling for the shadows and laid waste to his undead army. Thavius Kreeg, who took credit for summoning the Companion, was hailed as the savior of the city and rose to become its high overseer. Under Kreeg’s decades-long rule, Elturel embarked on a path to becoming not just a holy city but the holy nation of Elturgard.

Thavius was told the exact time when the Companion would cease to protect Elturel. In the weeks leading up to this fateful hour, Thavius urged Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard of Baldur's Gate to visit Elturel, to help settle some longstanding disputes between the two cities. Facing political pressure at home, Ravengard reluctantly acceded. After greeting Ravengard’s delegation, Thavius Kreeg fled Elturel in secret and watched from a safe distance as the Companion transformed from a radiant sun into a black orb awash with crackling energy. It ripped Elturel from the Material Plane, transporting it and all its inhabitants to Avernus. A few other city folk managed to escape before Elturel disappeared. Where it once stood, only a crater remains.

Disguised as a refugee, Thavius Kreeg was one of the first of his people to arrive at Baldur’s Gate with news of Elturel’s “destruction.” He slipped through the city’s gates with the help of his influential friend, Duke Vanthampur, and took refuge in her home.

Thavius' refuge did not last long. Adventurers came to suspect Vanthampur's involvement in Elturel's fate and discovered Thavius in the duke's secret catacombs. Faced by their wrath and with an oath to Zariel on his lips , Thavius took his own life. He was claimed by his patron and given the form of an amnizu. She placed Thavius as leader of a guard protecting the Noctilith Gate that allowed her devils to bypass the conflict beneath Elturel in Avernus and transport directly into the city. Unfortunately for Kreeg, those same adventurers came to Avernus to save Elturel, and happened upon the gate. Thavius Kreeg met his final end at their martial and magical might, beneath the nocilith gate.

Lawful Evil
Date of Death
(as a mortal) 23 Uktar 1492 DR, (as a devil) 26 Uktar 1492 DR
Year of Death
1492 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by adventurers... a couple of times
Place of Death
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