The Blood War

The word “war” is too simple to describe a conflict that has raged for millennia, ravaging the planes between the Abyss and the Nine Hells. The brutal quest for annihilation is a war of fiend against fiend. Split along ideological lines, it’s demon against devil—and given the treachery of both sides, demon-against-demon and devil-against-devil battles sometimes happen. But the Blood War eventually touches every creature on the Outer Planes, one way or another.

The origins of the war are lost to time. Now, it’s all about genocide. As long as there are fiends, they’ll fight each other in a contest in which no quarter is given or asked. On those planes and layers most directly affected, great siege engines rumble across the battle-plains like mobile mountains, attended by a surging sea of fiends and mercenaries. When two armies clash under hellish suns, the very landscape is split with the terrible energies of war unleashed.

Conflict Type


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