
Physical Description

Body Features

The tattooed wings of an eagle are spread wide across his upper back.

Facial Features

Yinhua's eyes are yellow and resemble those of an eagle.

Apparel & Accessories

Yinhua has a totem necklace made with three eagle feathers and two fangs from a death dog, but it's not something he wears. The necklace represents his attachment to his totem spirit.

Specialized Equipment

Yinhua wields a magical saber of elven make, a treasure of ancient Phalorm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many Tuigan, Yinhua’s ancestors followed the invasion of Yamun Khahan and eventually made a home in the wild places of the west. Yinhua’s tribe are expert hunters and trappers and have become wealthy furriers despite keeping to Tuigan nomadic traditions. For his part, Yinhua always felt a stirring in his blood calling him to travel further and further afield. He felt a kinship with the horse and the eagle, roaming plains and skies freely. He feels their energy flow through him and inevitably he left his tribe behind to roam free.

Yinhua has led an eventful life thus far. His beloved mare Taban was “freed” from a roaming herd belonging to a Cormyrian rancher. He took part in a great battle between humans and hobgoblins, surviving near-death from a flight of arrows. The attack left him some significant scars across his chest. He also fell in with a party of adventurers and plundered a lost tomb for some small wealth. He continues to roam the lands where his heart takes him, making friends and leaving an indelible impression wherever he goes.

Morality & Philosophy

I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.

I'm loyal to my friends, not any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the river Styx for all I care.

Home is behind, the world ahead.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Sometimes animals are better company than people.

Vices & Personality flaws

There’s no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Personality Quirks


If a horse or stag crosses your path ahead, you must backtrack a mile and choose a different path or otherwise someone will suffer an injury. If an eagle flies over your path ahead, you are on a road to good fortune.


Religious Views

Yinhua's personal philosophy aligns with the dogma of the air goddess Akadi, though he is not an ardent follower. His totem spirit is the eagle, which further speaks to his view of the air as a metaphor for freedom.

Hobbies & Pets

Yinhua’s beloved mare is distinct from most riding horses, possibly the result of interbreeding between good Cormyrian riding stock and Tuigan steppe ponies left to roam free after Yamun Kahan’s failed invasion. She is tough and hardy, stocky and a little short, with a lower center of gravity that helps her turn faster than other riding horses. Yinhua is as devoted to her as she appears to be to him. She has a cantankerous, almost mischievous personality around most people.

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
1464 DR 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"
164 lbs
Known Languages

Common, Goblin, Orc, Tuigan


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