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The Watcher, He of the Unsleeping Eyes, the Vigilant One

The god of vigilance and protection, Helm is seen as the epitome of the guardian, the watcher, and the guard. He is venerated by those who need to remain watchful for enemies or danger. Helm is a favorite deity of people who make a living by protecting someone or something, such as bodyguards, members of the city watch, and the guards of a treasury vault.

Helm embodies the spirit of watchfulness without regard to good or evil. In legends, he is honorable and keeps his word to a fault, such as when he guarded the celestial stairways during the Time of Troubles, preventing the gods from ascending them and continuing the chaos of that period, until the Tablets of Fate were found.

Although his faith has known dark days, worship of Helm never truly faded away. Most of his followers believe that the Watcher can never be vanquished utterly, and recent events have borne out that assertion.

Helm's priests teach that one must be ever vigilant, ever aware, ever prepared for one's enemies. Patience, clear thought, and careful planning will always defeat rushed actions in the end. Those who favor Helm strive to be alert, clear-headed, and true to their word. These traits don't necessarily make them nice people, however, and as such many consider the faithful of Helm to be inflexible and merciless.

The Faith

The only calendar celebration dedicated to Helm occurs each Shieldmeet, an event called the Ceremony of Honor to Helm. Most of the rituals and celebrations of the deity are internal to the church’s members. The Consecration of a Postulant is a ritual celebrating a member’s full initiation into the faith. A similar ritual exists to bless items and artifacts brought into the service or protection of the faith, called the Consecration of a Glymtul (or ‘favored thing’).

The Purification. This is a ritual that must be completed for followers who have left the faith and returned or members of the church who have failed in their duties or committed a taboo of the faith—a ritual of prayer and atonement is overseen by other members of the clergy.

Temples and Shrines. Helm enjoys widespread respect throughout the world, from simple folk to knightly orders. In the city of Tsurlagol on the northern coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars, the Noble Hand doubles as both a temple and martial academy. Helm’s faith is strong throughout this region of interior Faerûn, including Cormyr.
Symbol of Helm

Lawful neutral
Staring eye on upright left gauntlet
Life, Light

Guards, fighters, paladins, clerics, mercenaries

Worshipper Alias:


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