Broken Ridge Peaks

A Long narrow peninsula of hard grey stone peaks with little but cliff faces and vallyes covered in broken bits of the stone, continuously echhoeing with sounds of deep water crashing against the Seaward side of the rock formation, Its stone consist of mostly grey sedimentary rock that is durable resisting the slow wear of wind and water over time, instead it breaks leaving sharp dangerous edges along the tumultuos seaward side of the range, this series of peaks and cliffs creates the leaward side of Velen City''s harbor.   Sometimes also refered to as the Widow's lash, during the winter months ships trying to enter or leave the harbor have been pushed into the cliff faces along seaside of the ridge which very quickly shatter most vessels dragging them and their crew down to the depths, only a hanful of sailors have survided such a wreck and always with left lame and broken from being repeatedly bashed upon the jagged cliff faces by the heavy winter waves. Many widows have been created by foolish captains and sailors trying too soon or too late to get an edge on competition. Rumered to host many ghosts and specters the peaks are rarely adventured and rarer still is the adventurer returned.    The Ridge is inhospital environment, very little flora and fauna survive the conditions of rocky soil and salt spray. a few bird species nest within the rocks, and some smaller rodents, but little else is known to inhabit the lands along the norrthern edge of the harbor.
Survival checks made here are at disadvatage plus it takes 2x longer to forage for a party than normal conditions.   Area is impassable by any means other than foot (Horses and other Mounts will Refuse to carry loads)   All areas of the peaks are considered rough terrain   Climb Checks minimun DC 10, twice per day
Along the Northeaster shore of the bay a samll enclave of farmers and fishermen exist, among them they know little to be gained in those crags, and advise against, but if you should still need to go, take lots of rope and gloves, the rocks is hard and sharp, your ropes will need to be protected and your fingers.


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