Sysharem (SisCh-ar-M)

Sysharem is a small waterfront village consisting on 50-70 residents depending on time of the year, its primary economy is stone trade as the village closest to the Onyx peaks with a deep enough bay to allow for the Cargo ships and Barges get close enough to shore to make loading the heavy stone blocks from the Quarry onto for far transport throughout the realms. At the waters edge there exists a 100 x 7 meter pier made of stone, barges and cargo ships can get within 5 meters of the shore without risk of bottoming out.   Along the shore is a storing and preping area where shipments from the mountains are prepared for loading and transport, a few small fishing boats are pulled up on the beach and there is also an area where carpenters are preparing transport pallets and crafting the viillages needs as requested.   A Natural occuring reef protects the harbor, at low tide it forms an almost continuous land mass above sea level with only one narrow cut that ships can navigate 1 at a time, during high tide the rocks create wave breaks and reduce wave effect but become mostly invisble under the water.   The Welcoming Scoundrel is the town in and Coomn house, a group of connected 1 story wood and thatch structures with largest main building being the towns only tavern as well, on the north side is large room serving as common bunk house, on other side is a covered walkway upon a small courtyard which has 6 private rooms. Detached from the main structure and some 50 yards away is a stable sizable enough to house up to 4 horses, a fenced in pasture can accomadate much more.   Grodis Goods is the the main general store at the center of town, most common goods and needs can be met here appropraite for a small vilage, specialty equipment and kits or tools will not be available, but much of what the town uses and needs is supplied through Grodi. Grodi also has a small forge at the rear of the shop, a few members of town maintain it and use it as needed, town does not currently have a full time Blacksmith, instead a few memebers of village have redimentary skill and are able to make due.   The Branded Mare is on the edge of town heading up along the main cart path to the Onyx peaks, its is a large 12 horse stable, 3 large penned areas and a connected large pasture. there is also a small house on site as well as a small barn where tack and feed is stored for the animal.   The Village is laid in a somewhat linear arc in a rag tag assembly of small houses and shacks with some gardens and fields surrounding the outer rear of the areas owned and cared for by villages permanent residences, years of wear have created and compacted a roadway of sorts that has been improved recently with large amounts of small gravel and chipped rock.

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