Amethyst Academy - Notable Members Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Amethyst Academy - Notable Members

Notable Members

The Amethyst Handler
River is a guild mage and highly qualified Prefect of the Amethyst Academy, a gifted practitioner of the conjuration arcane arts, and the gatekeeper to all political and business dealing with the Academy in Emberwood and Halarahh. River could easily be a full-fledged master but her current role is in direct support of her mentor Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver who is responsible for all of the Academy activities in Halarahh and the Delerium discoveries found. River's organizational business mind and her loyalty have made her an indispensable asset in dealing with those outside the Academy for matters in Halarahh.
  • Has employed the adventurers for tasks to help Amethyst Academy wizards and their interests.
  • Has vouched and is supporting the adventurer Asonia to join the Amethyst Academy.

Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have toward the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have toward the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?


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