Court of Stars Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Court of Stars

Faction Overview

The people of the Court of Stars are known as the Tulani, a celestial elven race, whose Court was once a drifting demi-plane that only appeared at night in the upper realms of Aborea and served as the gates to the elven afterlife. Ruled by Morwel, queen of the Eladrin, the Tulani served to guard this gate against any intruders. This was the seat of power of the Eladrin, but more than that, it represented the essence of the Eladrin people. With the convergence, their demi-plane Court of Stars crashed into the Shiftedlands and must figure out a way to harness immense magic to return their court to its rightful place as the gates of the elven heaven. The elves have had centuries of training that have prepared them for this war that has found them in the shifted lands. But being flesh and blood each loss of life is a tremendous blow to the guardians as they fight for their survival.
(The Court of the Stars shatters the misconception that the Eladrin are not capable of fighting rank-and-file warfare)


  The Court of Stars has a rich and mystical history, rooted in the realm of Aborea where it once existed as a drifting demi-plane, hidden from mortal eyes. As a magical, untamed forest in eternal autumn, bathed under a starry sky, the Court of Stars captivated all who beheld its enchanting beauty. Within this realm, the stars themselves were living entities, casting a gentle radiance that illuminated the entire forest. The Court was ruled by Queen Morwel, the illustrious queen of the Eladrin, and her crystal palace stood as a beacon of elegance and power amidst the soaring spires. Time held no sway within the Court of Stars, and its inhabitants, the Tulani, did not age or require sustenance. Festivities and eternal parties were a common occurrence, where the elven folk reveled in merriment, indulging in plentiful food and drink. The realm was teeming with fey creatures, and the majestic moon dogs served as loyal hounds for the eladrin's hunting excursions, adding to the ethereal atmosphere.   However, the tranquility of the Court of Stars was shattered when the Shifted Lands cast the realm into a new and unfamiliar domain. No longer sheltered in the demi-plane, the Tulani find themselves aging once again, a poignant reminder of the passing of time. Their primary concern, however, lies in the fate of their sacred duty as guardians of the elven path to the afterlife. Having been forcefully separated from their post, they now face uncertainty and fear, questioning what consequences this displacement may have on the elven souls they were sworn to protect.   Queen Morwel's once transient palace now rests on the edges of a plateaued desert, overlooking a shimmering lake. Its massive walls, constructed from glowing crystal, evoke a sense of majesty and otherworldly grace. Despite their new surroundings, the Court of Stars continues to attract visitors and admirers who seek an audience with the queen, drawn by tales of the celestial realm's extraordinary history and the wisdom it holds.   The borders of the Court of Stars were safeguarded by the valiant forces of the shieres, the esteemed warrior caste of the Tulani. These Eladrin warriors, often mounted on horses, were renowned for their unparalleled bravery and skill in battle. Towering at heights of six to seven feet, they possessed slender yet remarkably strong frames, adorned with pale golden or silver hair and captivating eyes in shades of blue, green, or violet. The shieres' unwavering commitment to honor and courage brought them together each night to ride through their realm, keeping a vigilant watch and defending the borders from any threats. Their noble and freedom-loving nature shaped their interactions, and they were ever ready to fulfill their promises and loyalties, never wavering in their dedication to their lords and friends.   As the Court of Stars adapts to its new existence within the Shifted Lands, the Tulani and their shieres strive to preserve their celestial heritage and uphold their solemn duty as guardians of the elven afterlife. Though faced with uncertainty, their indomitable spirit and deep sense of honor guide them as they navigate this unfamiliar realm, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.  
(The Court of Stars perfect the architectural beauty of their homes as they have centuries of skill and practice to create them)


The Tulani of the Court of Stars have a distinctive and regal style of attire that reflects their celestial heritage and their role as guardians of the elven afterlife. Their clothing is a harmonious blend of ethereal elegance and practicality, designed to accommodate their agile movements in battle while exuding an aura of otherworldly beauty.    The traditional attire of the Tulani consists of flowing robes and garments made from fine, shimmering fabrics in a variety of celestial hues. They favor colors such as silver, pale gold, soft blues, and hues reminiscent of the night sky. Elaborate embroidery and intricate patterns, often depicting stars, moons, and celestial motifs, adorn their garments, adding a touch of celestial radiance to their appearance.   Tulani warriors, known as shieres, wear intricately crafted suits of armor that combine lightweight materials with enchanted crystal plates. The armor is designed to offer both protection and flexibility, allowing the shieres to move swiftly and gracefully in combat. The armor is often adorned with subtle celestial motifs, such as crescent moons and constellations, symbolizing their connection to the heavens.
(An Eladrin arcanist preparing to unleash a magical barrage on his enemies)


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