Diabolist of Ket Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Diabolist of Ket

Faction Overview

Led by a mysterious woman known as Hura, the Diabolists from the Dreaming Swamps of Ket from the Feywild found themselves pulled to the Shifted Lands with the planar convergence. A relatively small, but extremely potent faction, the diabolist have great mastery over arcane arts and witchcraft - especially with talents for enchantment charms and conjuration. They are made up of all races, but humans, fey (both Unseelie and Seelie), and demon-blooded creatures make up most of their ranks. The diabolist are able to summon powerful fey and demons, or simply bend them to their will. Using their powerful magical talents they can provide extremely valuable services for the armies who choose to ally with them and often will serve as mercenary forces for single or specific battles in exchange for great prices from the commanders that hire them. 


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