Ebonstone Confederation Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Ebonstone Confederation

Faction Overview

The Ebonstone Confederation is a formidable alliance of dwarven fortress city-states, each stronghold is ruled by a duke all united under the leadership of a Grand Duke Ulgrim DarkIron. Hailing from the dark realm of the Shadowfell, these resilient dwarves have managed to survive and thrive through cooperation, fortitude, and a harsh moral code. With the planar convergence, their kingdom has been transported to the Shifted Lands, causing political turmoil and conflicts with neighboring factions. While the Shifted Lands have challenges with monstrous creatures, the Ebonstone Confederation considers it a preferable alternative to the dangers of their former home in the Shadowfell. Determined to secure their position, they forge military and economic alliances while desperately seeking magical solutions to prevent their cities from falling back to the Shadowfell.
(The Ebonstone Confederation survived in the Shadowfell fortifying echoes of old ruined empire fortresses)


The dwarves of the Ebonstone Confederation bloodlines are mixed Mountain Dwarves and the Duegar Dark Dwarves. While the Ebonstone Confederation is fully capable of oppression of life, they generally only have harsh punishments on those who "deserve" it they are not sadistic or cruel. Generally, those who have crossed paths as enemies of the Ebonstone Confederation are forced into slavery as it was a pragmatic practice developed to enslave rather than destroy them. But this is a practice even on their own if they fail to be "productive members" of society - such as criminals or lawbreakers.   From the numerous trials and hardships, they have developed unwavering unity, surviving the treacherous realm and honed their skills in warfare, craftsmanship, and resourcefulness. When they were unexpectedly pulled to the Shifted Lands, the dwarves faced new challenges and opportunities but they saw the Shifted Lands as a chance for a fresh start and a brighter future. Despite their dour nature, they can be reasoned with, though their inherent dwarven greed often colors their interactions. They hold a deep-seated hatred for the undead and dark evils they tend to be more proactive in lending assistance to those in need as long as it does not compromise their interests.   The Grand Duke of Ebonstone Confederation, Ulgrim DarkIron, and many of the other leadership roles of the Confederations are of dwarven descent. They accepted refugees and offer sanctuary to many races, but most served as secondary citizens though in time and their families proved themselves they are accepted in roles of leadership and importance. While they are a minority, the generations of other races are just as much part of the Confederation as the dwarven lines. The Shadowfell was the common challenge for all to overcome, but now with the Ebonstone Confederation's arrival in the Shifted Lands political status quo is being challenged as some at the bottom of the social order are seeing the opportunity to leave since they are no longer trapped in the darkness of their home realm.   Now the Ebonstone Confederation is engaged in wars with several factions among the Shifted Lands to preserve their holdings. Some accuse the Dukes of artificially trying to create a common enemy to keep them unified, but the Confederation wants to secure power to ensure their holdings and people are not returned to the Shadowfell. Many of their strongholds are formidable fortresses both above and below the ground which are usually repurposed Shadowfell ruins turned into gothic-styled castles that usually can limit the number of attackers who can strike at them.
(The strongholds of the Ebonstone Confederation still have strong ties to the Shadowfell with an oppressive and dark magical aura that surrounds them)


The dwarves of the Ebonstone Confederation bear distinct physical characteristics, with pale skin and a sturdy physique reflective of their time spent in the Shadowfell. They favor heavy armor, often adorned with dark color themes, and silver accents that symbolize their resilience against darkness. Their cities reflect their practical nature, with strong fortifications and well-structured designs. The dwarves value discipline, honor, and loyalty, and their moral code guides their actions and decisions. While they may not be the most hospitable of folk, their sense of justice drives them to despise the undead and creatures of darkness.
(The Ebonstone Confederation dwarven warrior is a solid mass of muscle and metal, usually with heavy scars from their battles with Shadowfell beasts)


More information coming soon!
(The Ebonstone Confederation fights a mostly defensive war making the price for the attackers extremely high)


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