Followers of the Fallen Fire - Notable Members Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Followers of the Fallen Fire - Notable Members

Notable Members

Nathaniel Flint
The Shepard of Emberwood
To those who do not know Nathaniel Flint he is an unassuming man with the appearance of a sun-baked drunkard that is quick to smile and greet you on your day. Nathaniel Flint however is very well-spoken and a man of convictions who is hard to not trust as he cares so much for those around him. This warmth he brings to those who look for a little hope in this world makes him a masterful recruiter for the Followers of the Fallen Fire as he relates, assures, and shows a better brighter tomorrow to those who need comfort in their lives. He is loved by his flock and teaches with the belief in the great prophet's predictions the light will save not only themselves but the entire world.
  • Spoke to the adventurers about how they are destined to bring great change to the events surrounding Halarahh.
  • He approves that they are good people who help those in need but is disappointed that his flock is not a priority.
  • He is upset with the adventurers for not supporting the Followers with a holy relic from Eventide Manor.
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?


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