Gold Swords Company Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Gold Swords Company

Faction Overview

The Great Gold Wyrm, Astarot "The Leading One", is an extremely ancient celestial gold dragon from Abeir who founded and leads the quasi-religious order from Abeir that served as peacekeepers and protectors of the land. There, they walked a thin line serving in their righteous mission while not angering the draconic imperial lines of Abeir. Now in the Shiftedlands due to the planar convergence, they still serve as a powerful mercenary army, trying to bring a small measure of order slaying monsters, and dealing with threats that plague the people while powerful nations are at war.
(Gold Swords Company are an elite fighting force who are militant and trying to do fight for some good on the battlefield)


The history of the Gold Sword, led by the enigmatic Great Gold Wyrm Astarot, spans back countless ages, shrouded in mystery and legend. Originating from the distant realm of Abeir, this celestial gold dragon rose to prominence, amassing unimaginable power whose origins remain a subject of speculation and awe. In the realms of Abeir, the Gold Sword emerged as a quasi-religious order, embodying the ideals of justice, righteousness, and protection. Tasked with the vital role of maintaining peace and safeguarding the innocent from the tyranny of evil dragons, the Gold Sword stood as a beacon of hope for the oppressed and vulnerable. Their sworn duty compelled them to tread a delicate path, serving their righteous mission while ensuring they did not incur the wrath of the draconic imperial lines that held dominion over Abeir.   As a military force, the Gold Sword faced numerous challenges, often finding themselves engaged in conflict with rebel factions that strayed from the noble path, descending into tyranny or criminality. With unwavering determination, they confronted these threats, seeking to restore balance and order to the lands they swore to protect. The Gold Sword's influence spread far and wide, their presence felt throughout the realm as a force of righteousness and strength. However, the tides of fate shifted dramatically when the cataclysmic event known as the planar convergence occurred, wrenching their home and several of their cherished holdings into the enigmatic and tumultuous Shifted Lands. This convergence of realms brought about chaos and upheaval, disrupting the very fabric of existence. Despite this upheaval, the Gold Sword stood resolute, adapting to their new reality with an unwavering commitment to their mission.   Now, finding themselves in an unfamiliar and volatile realm, the Gold Sword has transformed into a powerful mercenary army, seeking to restore a semblance of order in the land surrounding them. In a world seemingly tearing itself apart, they stand as a stalwart force, offering their services to those in need, striving to bring stability and justice amidst the turmoil. The legend of Astarot and the Gold Sword lives on, their reputation as valiant protectors resonating across the Shifted Lands. Though the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, the indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve of the Great Gold Wyrm and their devoted followers continue to shine brightly, lighting the way for those seeking hope and salvation in a world consumed by chaos.
(Several Gold Dragons call the order home and serve as heavy hitters when needed)


The members of the Gold Swords Company exhibit a distinct and formidable appearance that reflects their noble purpose and martial prowess. Clad in armor adorned with intricate golden filigree, their attire serves as a testament to their devotion to justice and their prestigious lineage as warriors of the Great Gold Wyrm.   The primary feature of their attire is the resplendent gold-plated armor, crafted with meticulous precision to provide both protection and mobility. The armor's design incorporates stylized dragon motifs, paying homage to their celestial dragon patron and symbolizing their connection to the ancient lineage of the Gold Sword. Emblazoned on the breastplate is the majestic emblem of the Gold Swords Company—a radiant golden sword against a backdrop of celestial stars—signifying their unwavering commitment to righteousness.   In addition to their formidable armor, members of the Gold Swords Company don ceremonial capes of rich crimson or deep royal blue, bearing intricate embroidery depicting scenes of heroic triumph and valor. These capes symbolize their role as protectors of the weak and defenders of justice. Worn over their armor, the capes billow in the wind as the Gold Swords Company charges into battle, a symbol of their unwavering determination.
(The Gold Swords Company stike intimidating fear into their opponents given their reputation on battlefield)


More information coming soon!
(Gold Swords Company home, the Gold Citadel, before the fall)


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