Green Wardens Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Green Wardens

Faction Overview

Led by the "Green Lord", the Green Wardens were native inhabitants of the Feywild (Eladrin and Fey) who are the mortal servants of the Circle of the Summer Court. When the planar convergence pulled a large section of the Feywild into Toril's Beastlands, it brought several of the Circle's sacred groves and even a few of the great trees of eternal seasons. These sacred sites are conduits to the Feywild itself and draw immense magical life energy from that realm and as such are a prize sought by those wishing to harvest that energy. While the Feywild is slowly reclaiming its land bringing it back into the Feywild one tree at a time it will likely take decades to happen. Until the Feywild has fully retreated back to its home it falls to the Green Wardens proactively protect it while it is exposed in the Shifted Lands.


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