Harkened Rune Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Harkened Rune

Faction Overview

A vassal order that directly serves the Archmage Wizard "The Listener" of the Twisted Rune. The Listener and his Harkened Rune have the great luxury of a stronghold on a massive soaring earth mote which was pulled from the Shadowfell with the planar convergence. While most believe they have the arcane power to leave the Shifted Lands, the countless opportunities to gain power from the war taking place in the lands below seem to be too much to pass up. The Harkened Rune show no long-term allegiance to anyone but themselves and trade information or arcane services for treasures that further their own ambitions. They have begun to expand their ranks of wizards and martial skirmishers to serve as specialized units on the battlefield often bringing powerful arcane constructs to assist them always proving to be a huge impact on any battle. Little is known if they have any political aspirations in the region, or if once they have collected all the treasure they desire they will simply float away for some other purpose.


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