Hooded Lanterns - Notable Members Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Hooded Lanterns - Notable Members

Notable Members

Captain Ansom Lang
Heir to Hooded Lanterns
Captain Ansom Lang is the youngest of the Hooded Lantern Captains and the only one who did not fight in the Kessel Civil War due to his young age. While most would agree that Ansom Lang earned his position as a Captain of the Scouts of the Hooded Lanterns, some see favoritism in his promotion since he was trained personally by Lord Commander Elias Drexel and raised by him since he was young. Most of the older Hooded Lanterns understand that the Lord Commander has begun his grooming of Captain Lang for a sobering reason and that is to replace himself someday as the aging Hooded Lanterns see this fight for Halarahh is far from over.
  • Does not like adventurers, but is starting to trust those who helped his sister.

Lieutenant Petra Lang
Heart of the Hooded Lanterns
Lieutenant Petra Lang is the fraternal twin sister to her brother Ansom Lang and was raised by the Hooded Lanterns Lord Commander Elias Drexel after being orphaned in the events of the cataclysm of Falling Fire. Petra Lang's skills are near those of her brother but she clearly struggles in his shadow and is accused of making mistakes due to pushing herself beyond her abilities. But in reality, she is passionate about the people affected in this struggle and takes risks that are not always tactically sound because she tries to do too much.
  • Is grateful to the adventurers for supporting her in attempting to help refugees.
  • Loyal and willing to help the adventurers with almost anything for their help help at the Rat Nest Tavern.
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu dui eu lorem molestie blandit id ac mi. Maecenas porttitor eleifend diam, ut lobortis sapien pulvinar sed. Mauris ornare mollis luctus. Nulla mollis lacinia mauris, sed pretium nisi gravida a. Integer a lorem vel dui pharetra vehicula a in massa. Curabitur congue lectus in ligula fringilla ullamcorper. Sed eu nisl ut orci scelerisque porta.
  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?


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