Knight of the Sacred Flame - Notable Members Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Knight of the Sacred Flame - Notable Members

Notable Members

Ophelia Reed
The Light Against Darkness
Ophelia Reed is the ranking High Flamekeeper for the Knights of the Sacred Flame crusade on the Eldritch Horrors & delerium corruption that festered in Halarahh. While she follows all commands of the crusade commander, Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal she is considered among the leaders of the crusade and is a stark contrast in leadership to the militant goal-focused Knight-Captain. They are in a locked step in how they deal with the corruption in Halarahh supporting the scorched earth campaign against the city itself since it is simply a place and Halruaah is its people, not any one given place. But she is far more compassionate in dealing with the infected and strives in the hope of finding a cure for those who have been too corrupted by the delerium plague.
  • She is hesitant to trust the adventurers', they are obviously avoiding their order.
  • She is proud of their tenacity in working with the Sacred Flame in the cleansing of Eventide Manor.
  • She was extremely pleased with the adventurers returning their holy relic from Eventide Manor.

The Aspiration of the Sacred Flame
Adam is considered the aspiration of many when they think of a holy paladin of the Sacred Flame should be - strong, handsome, caring, noble, just, a capable charismatic leader, and a force of calm confidence. Many always wonder why Adam is not declared the Knight-Captains heir of choice and is not more involved with the command of the Sacred Flames crusade in the Halarahh region. Adam is extremely capable but does not fight the war against evil like his fellow knights who see it as a great campaign against evil, who fight building up to their objectives in the region. Instead, Adam fights the evil as it is found - direct and focused as he is dedicated to the people of the region have a champion of good and to making sure they are not forgotten for the "greater" good.

  • He sees the adventurers' good hearts and their ability to work together to be great.
  • He is proud of their tenacity in working with the Sacred Flame in the cleansing of Eventide Manor.
  • He was extremely pleased with the adventurers returning their holy relic from Eventide Manor.

Cassandra Wyatt
The Sky Talon
Knight Lt. Cassandra Wyatt is a military-trained knight cavalier and commands the aerial Griffon knights. She splits her time between Camp Dawn which patrols Halarahh's nearby countryside dealing with dregs and mutations that wander from the city and the remainder of her time at Castle Ostwall which is a vital reserve garrison for training and food supplies. While she is respected and beloved by all the knights who have known her, she is a cause for concern if anything were to happen to the Knight-Captain Theodore Marshall as she is the proclaimed heir of the Halarahh Crusade. She is an able commander, but her aggressive tactics might lead to the crusade's downfall if she were to take command of it.
  • She respects their strength and commitment to the military campaign at Ahklaur's Tower.
Unidentified Persona
Person of Mystery
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  • What possible attitudes will they have to the adventurers?


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