Loviatar (loh-vee-A-tar)


Pain isn't a means to an end for Loviatar's faithful, but an end unto itself. To them, nothing is as transcendent as suffering, and all pain is holy, from the crudest barbarism to the most sublime torture, to the emotional suffering of the heartbroken or the betrayed. The pain that one feels is proof of the Lady's attention, and so her faithful are notorious self-flagellants. Pain is also a path to power, in terms of both one's ability to inflict it and one's ability to endure it. A cold, cruel demeanor is considered ideal because it best emulates the Scourge Mistress, and for the same reason, her faithful appreciate beauty, cultural refinement, and a certain adeptness at manipulation.   Though temples to Loviatar are rare, her faithful are more numerous than might be expected. Loviatar is the chosen deity of those who inflict pain as a matter of course, including torturers and others who need to break the will of their victims. She is favored by sadists and masochists, and some of her followers form cultish cells of secret adherents. Each of these groups is led by someone who takes pleasure in administering pain and dominating others, supported and backed up by a number of submissive sycophants.   Worshipers of Loviatar rarely gather in numbers except in the more populous cities. When small cadres of faithful operate quietly in such places, few citizens take notice or raise a fuss if they do witness cult activity. The sufferers who endure the lash, however, aren't always willing participants, and Lovatar's cults sometimes operate secret slavery rings, which can draw the attention of the authorities. The open worship of Loviatar and temples clearly dedicated to her are rarely seen except in lands where slavery is an accepted practice.
(The church of Loviatar is dominated by women, often in large decadent cities where they "preach" in secrecy)

Ethos & Dogma

The world is filled with pain and torment, and the best that one can do is to suffer those blows that cannot be avoided and deal as much pain back to those who offend. Kindnesses are the best companion to hurts and increases the intensity of suffering.   Loviatar appeared as a slim, beautiful human maiden dressed in either black leather embellished with outlandish spikes or revealing white silks decorated with silver chains. She was cold and sinister in demeanor, speaking softly and moving with sensual grace. Her black blood was thick, like syrup. Loviatar was cold-hearted and calculatingly cruel by nature, an aggressive and domineering despot that truly enjoyed acts of sadism. Indeed, she had an instinct for inflicting pain, and not just physical suffering, always knowing just what to say and how to say it to best wound and discourage both mortals and other deities. Unlike most bullies, however, Loviatar herself did not fear pain or even experience hurt. She was nearly impervious to any emotion, whether fear, love or even hate. Attempts to harm her, whether through physical damage or verbal humiliation, prompted only laughter at the attempt, and more than one mortal had been startled to see her advance towards them with the full intention of receiving any damage that would come from doing so.   Perhaps Loviatar's only psychological weakness was her own calculating nature. Her understanding of humanity, for example, relied on the fundamental assumption that they were innately selfish. Truly heroic or self-sacrificing behavior could untangle her carefully woven plots. Bringing pain and suffering was the aim of all Loviatans, either through physical torture or sometimes more subtly and psychologically. Beauty, intelligence, and acting were useful attributes of a Loviatan, but the ability to fully understand someone was the best skill a Loviatan could acquire, as knowing someone fully could help a Loviatan inflict maximum pain, one way or another. Loviatar's followers were encouraged to wipe Ilmater's followers from the face of the Realms.

Religious Orders

  • Church of Loviatar
  • Disciples of the White Rod 
  • More information coming soon!
(For Loviatar; the torture chamber is the cathedral, the torturer the priest, the victims the flock, and the screams the prayers)

History & Relationships

Loviatar is one of the Dark Deities, having connections to Bhaal and Talona, whom she loves to torture and tease. Since the Time of Troubles, she has fallen under the sway of Shar but manages the conflicted loyalties. Loviatar gets along well with Malar, regarding his stalking of prey as a particularly delightful form of torture. The Maiden of Pain is consumed by a hatred for Ilmater, who shields her victims from the torments they deserve, and hates both Eldath and Lliira for the peace and joy they promise without the necessary suffering to achieve it.
(Loviatar has more recently begun to attract vampires and various fiends to her ranks)

Tenets of Faith

  • Inflict pain and suffering onto the world when possible
  • Sparingly offer kindness as unwavering cruelty will turn people from you
  • Pain tests all, but gives strength of spirit
(The Maiden of Pain Loviatar is the Goddess of Pain)

Holy Symbol

(The holy symbol of Loviatar)




  • The Maiden of Pain
  • The Willing Whip
  • The Scourge Mistress
  • Patroness of Torturers


  • Loviatan

Portfolio and Domains

  • Pain
  • Death
  • Vengeance
  • Strength

Common Worshipers

  • Masochists
  • Sadists
  • Torturers
  • Tieflings / Vampires
  • Infernalists / Demonolgist
  • Unseelie Fey

Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Lawful Evil
"The Maiden of Pain, Loviatar, teaches us that pain is a most powerful and sacred sensation. And should our pain delight her—should we embrace such a gift—she will grant her most sacred of blessings.”
— Abdirak, worshiper of Loviatar.


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