Savras (SAV-ras)


Savras is a god of divination and fortunetelling. Few people worship him, but many pray to him when performing small rituals of foresight. For example, young men and women sometimes attempt to divine the names of their future spouses by saying a rhyming chant that calls upon Savras while gazing in a mirror.   Savras has no currently active temples in Faerûn, and his shrines are few and far between, tucked away in the corners of libraries and scriptoria. Despite this lack of prominence, certain folk pays regular homage to Savras, including investigators, diviners, judges, and others who have a need to uncover the truth. Such individuals can sometimes be identified by the elaborate staff they carry in homage to Savras. According to legend, Savras was trapped in Azuth’s staff for ages. Azuth eventually freed Savras so long as Savras swore fealty, and today the staff is a potent symbol for those who revere Savras. Devout worshipers take great pains to decorate and embellish their staffs, each hoping that Savras might find it a welcoming place to stop for a time.
(Oracles and those dedicated to the art of divination all pay homage to Savras the All-Seeing)

Ethos & Dogma

He was portrayed as a man with a crystalline face, clear to all who saw him. His statements were clear, concise, and rarely what the listener wished to hear. Savras' symbol was a monstrous eye or a crystal ball filled with eyes. Savras was worshiped in both the north and south as a god of diviners and truth-speakers. The most devout worshipers of Savras carried elaborate staves with them at all times. This was in the hope that their god might make their staff his temporary residence.   Mortals who employ their two common eyes are essentially blind. Savras provides the third blessed eye, allowing both foresight and hindsight so that mortals can access the omniscience of the gods. It is not wrong to use the knowledge that Savras gives you to help yourself and your church, but caution should be employed in furthering the goals of others as part of their agenda may be hidden. Seek for the hidden motive before you act, and damage not the whole of the realm in which you live out your mortal lives.

Religious Orders

  • Church of Savras
  • Benign Order of the Third Eye
  • More information coming soon!
(The Oracle can find the reflections of the future in many tools)

History & Relationships

Savras was a long-ago god of arcane spellcasters who shared much of the same portfolio as Azuth and both of them served the greater deity, Mystra, the goddess of the magic weave. The two contended and Savras fell, although his church claims he did so deliberately having foreseen the future. Azuth became the one deity of wizards, and the All-Seeing's essence was imprisoned in Azuth's staff until he was eventually freed after giving an oath of fealty to Azuth. He is largely indifferent to the actions of Velsharoon, and spends the bulk of his efforts unmasking the lies of Cyric. The All-Seeing seems unsurprised by Shar's actions of late and bitterly opposes her use of the Shadow Weave to disrupt the efficacy of his divinations.
(The classic crystal orb is one of such tools to commune with Savras to learn futures potential)

Tenets of Faith

  • Search for the truth in all things and conceal nothing
  • Speak only the truth, lies and misdirection for any motive is cause for sorrow
  • While action is required, avoid doing it in haste
(Savras is viewed as the conduit of understanding the future)

Holy Symbol

(The holy symbol of Savras)



  • The All-Seeing
  • He of the Third Eye
  • Lord of Divination

Portfolio and Domains

  • Divination
  • Fate
  • Arcana
  • Knowledge

Common Worshipers

  • Investigator
  • Diviners
  • Judges

Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Lawful Neutral
“Ever since Savras's loss, sages have speculated that the All-Seeing One must have foreseen his own defeat. If this is true, perhaps Savras planned his own defeat as a feint in a long-term ploy for victory. Only he can say, and he refuses to speak on it.
— Foresight Forsaken


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