Shadows of the Third Eye Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Shadows of the Third Eye

Faction Overview

Led by the "Shadow Masters", this faction like their masters is highly manipulative and nearly universally motivated by a desire for power. With powerful gifts from their masters in shadow magic and illusions, they are gifted with acts of infiltration, assassination, and general skullduggery. When the planar convergence pulled a hidden enclave from the Shadowfell to the Shifted Lands, they quickly went to work finding opportunities in the chaos to implant their agents all over the Shifted Lands masterfully disguising themselves to allow them to work as spies. They sell information along with offering their services playing all sides and have even begun expanding lately into mercenary work using skirmishers and scouts for battlefield operations. They are compulsively cruel and sadistic, but undeniably intelligent, deceptive, and very dangerous. 


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