Sons of Alagondar Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Sons of Alagondar

Faction Overview

The Sons of Alagondar are a nationalist rebel group operating in the city of Neverwinter in the late 15th century DR. Almost all of the Sons of Alagondar were descendants of those who'd served Lord Nasher Alagondar. They refused to leave Neverwinter even as Mount Hotenow erupted and actively opposed the city's new self-imposed leader, Lord Protector Dagult Neverember, wishing to return Neverwinter to the way it was before the cataclysm rather than creating the 'New Neverwinter' that Neverember endorsed. The group was divided into two main factions:  

The Nashers

Primarily made up of the younger members of the group and led by Arlon Bladeshaper, who claimed to be descended from one of the Neverwinter Nine. The Nashers were the more radical faction of the two, practicing extreme methods and allying themselves to the shadier side of Neverwinter's underworld such as the Dead Rats and Thayan agents, and even using a former Kraken Society building as their Headquarters. Their symbol was the head of a minotaur pierced by a sword, evoking the story of how Lord Nasher slew one of the beasts by stabbing it through the eye. This was often printed in red on hessian and hung about their bases and safehouses.
(Nashers attacking Mintarn Mercenaries in service of Dagult Neverember)

The Graycloaks

Named after the old Neverwintan militia and led by the proprietor of the Driftwood Tavern, Madame Rosene, the Graycloaks pursued more diplomatic ends. They put pressure on Lord Neverember to give Neverwintan citizens more political power, using subterfuge to advance their aims rather than force. However, this approach met with much less success than the Nashers' more violent efforts.
(Painting of the "founder" of Neverwinter, Nasher Alogandar, that hangs in the Driftwood Tavern Museum)


In the Year of the Fourth Circle, 1474 DR, the Sons of Alagondar emerged in Neverwinter and waged a campaign of insurgency and propaganda against the rule of Dagult Neverember. Proclaiming themselves as the descendants of the servants and retainers of Lord Nasher and his descendants, they wished to restore rule to the rightful line of Alagondar. The group was led by a Harper agent named Cymril. Under Cymril, the Sons of Alagondar's actions were non-violent but annoying in nature by creating minor sabotages, stealing supplies, and embarrassing the Mintarn mercenaries hired by the New Neverwinter organization. But she was killed in the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, when Neverember mounted reprisals against the group's activities. After she was killed, it was also revealed she was working for Neverember as well. Leaderless and feeling betrayed, a power vacuum formed and soon the group split into two opposing factions, the "Nashers" and the "Graycloaks".   The Nashers moved in and took over the devastated Blacklake District, using it as their base of operations. The Nashers stole from the poor to finance their rebellion, openly defied Neverember's dictates, and attacked those who did not swear loyalty, while driving off the rest. For those who refused to leave, they burned down their houses or else barricaded them inside. The architect of all this was Karzov, Arlon's second-in-command. When Arlon was absent, the Neverwinter Guard suspected Karzov had taken power in the Nashers, but in fact, the two remained in communication and Arlon was simply dealing with other schemes. Karzov famously orchestrated a chaotic riot in the city while he and his Nashers assassinated a senior officer in the Guard.
(A Nasher Warehouse in the Blacklake District)
Founding Date
1474 DR
Political, Faction / Party
"My name is Arlon Bladeshaper, and I’m the leader of the Sons of Alagondar. I suspect we both have questions for one another.”   — Arlon Bladeshaper

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