Steel Sky Crusaders Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Steel Sky Crusaders

Faction Overview

The heart of the Steel Sky Crusaders is a coalition of rebellious clans of dragonborn and humans who fought a civil war against one of the dragon empires of Abeir. In defeat, they became far more dangerous as an idea and surviving clans are now of the strongest dragon slayers to walk the realms. Brought to the Shifted Lands, they have found many allies including celestial and fiends who see in them kindred spirits and now rage a war to be independent of all-powerful beings that wish to control their very lives. They have been serving as mercenary armies fighting to strengthen their skills and gain influence as their evolution into a political power continues. A mysterious powerful celestial simply known as the "Crusader" with an immense hated of dragons has joined their forces attracting and bringing much-needed divine allies to their cause.
(The embers of the rebellious fire began with the dragonborn and humans of Abeir, but all are welcomed)


Once known as the Liberators of the Steel Sky, the Steel Sky Crusaders are a formidable faction united by their shared struggle against the oppression of dragons and imperialistic powers. The heart of their coalition lies in a rebellious alliance between dragonborn slaves and their human kin from the realm of Abeir. Having successfully initiated a rebellion and seized control of a province from one of the dragon empires in their homeworld, they fought valiantly against the dragons and their armies to maintain their freedom. However, unable to withstand the full might of their oppressors, they were forced to retreat and scatter, establishing hidden strongholds known as Djeradi ("Clanholds" in draconic).   Splintered into clans, the Steel Sky Crusaders continued their fight against the tyranny of dragons, employing guerilla tactics that allowed them to strike swiftly and retreat into the safety of their hidden enclaves. The cataclysmic event known as the Time of Troubles further fractured their faction, as many of their Djeradi were lost during the shift to the realm of Toril. Nevertheless, the indomitable spirit of the Steel Sky Crusaders endures, as they now join forces with kindred warriors from Toril who share their desire for independence against oppressive forces.   In the midst of the Shifting Wars, the Steel Sky Crusaders have evolved to embrace a diverse range of warriors. Whispers abound of beings with celestial and fiendish origins clandestinely joining their ranks, viewing the Time of Troubles as an opportunity to break free from the control of gods and devils alike. These entities have joined the mercenaries fighting alongside the Steel Sky Crusaders. United by their unwavering determination and a shared cause, the Steel Sky Crusaders embody the spirit of rebellion and resistance. Their ranks are filled with warriors from various backgrounds, all bound by a deep desire for freedom and a relentless drive to oppose the oppressive forces that seek to subjugate them. With every battle fought, every stronghold defended, and every dragon slain, the Steel Sky Crusaders inch closer to their ultimate goal of true liberation.
(Steel Sky Crusaders do not associate with true dragons, but draconic creatures such as Wyverns and Guard Drakes often are beasts they have in their stables)


The Steel Sky Crusaders, are fierce dragonslayers and warriors united in their quest for freedom, and bear a striking and formidable appearance that reflects their relentless pursuit of justice. Embracing a practical and battle-ready aesthetic, their attire exudes strength and resilience, setting them apart from the traditional knights of the Veldorn Empire. The warriors of the Steel Sky Crusaders favor practicality and functionality over ornate embellishments. Clad in sturdy armor forged from salvaged steel, their attire is designed to withstand the rigors of combat against their draconic foes. The armor, though utilitarian, possesses a distinct ruggedness, with sharp angles that evoke a sense of purpose and determination.   In contrast to the vibrant hues often associated with knightly orders, the Steel Sky Crusaders opt for darker tones that blend seamlessly with the shadows. Deep shades of ebony, charcoal gray, and midnight blue dominate their armor, allowing them to meld into the darkness of the night sky when carrying out their covert operations. The attire of the Steel Sky Crusaders is adorned with intricate engravings and etchings, each symbolizing a dragon slain or a victory won. These markings serve as both badges of honor and reminders of the sacrifices made by their brethren in the ongoing struggle against draconic oppression. Faintly glowing runes, infused with ancient magic, are often inscribed upon their armor, enhancing their combat prowess and instilling fear in the hearts of their enemies.   Completing their formidable appearance are the signature helms of the Steel Sky Crusaders. These helms, crafted in the shape of fearsome dragon skulls, project an aura of intimidation and signify their unwavering determination to eradicate the draconic threat. The helms are often adorned with fierce-looking horns and intricate carvings, serving as a visual representation of the dragons they have vanquished and the defiance they embody. The Steel Sky Crusaders' attire and appearance reflect their unwavering commitment to their cause, their unyielding determination, and their readiness to face any foe. Clad in formidable armor adorned with the symbols of their victories, they stand as a symbol of hope and resistance against the tyranny of dragons, distinct from the regal knights of the Veldorn Empire, and united in their purpose to reclaim their freedom.
(Steel Sky Crusaders fight a total war with all tactics, even dishonorable ones if they are used to defeat an oppressive force)


More information coming soon!
(The Steel Sky Crusaders know exactly what they are going up against and the odds are against them)


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