Sunset Inquiry Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Sunset Inquiry

Faction Overview

Led by Rea, "The Sunset", an orphaned archangel of the fallen sun god from the Mulhorandi pantheon, and now has formed the Sunset Inquiry. A paradoxical order dedicated to self-enlightenment and inner peace, but highly militant inquisitors of the evils in the world as such darkness must be removed to allow for the chance of self-discovery. As a militant order with fortified strongholds on the edges of the Shifted Lands, they have begun to serve as a mercenary army fighting for resources against forces viewed as a defilement of the light. They admit to not knowing the answers but know they are driven to world challenges in this world and seek to test themselves in the battle in hopes to answer the questions about themselves and the world. They accept almost all humanoid races into their order, except for orcs which The Sunset has an extreme hatred for.


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