The Conclave Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

The Conclave

Faction Overview

Within the Council of Elders in Halruaa is a smaller, hidden organization known only as the Conclave. The Conclave is not an officially sanctioned political body, but rather a secret and elite society of the most powerful—and power-hungry—of Halruaa’s arcane spellcasters. Its members have taken it upon themselves to police the research, use, and abuse of magic in Halruaa. Though no one can say for sure, most believe the Conclave was founded shortly after a second wave of Netherese arrived in Halruaa. They see themselves as a force to ensure no repeat of their peers’ tragic mistakes in Netheril. When a wizard’s experiments or practices get out of control, the Conclave often corrects the situation. Usually, a simple note is delivered, a warning against further misuse of the Art. If that doesn’t work, the Conclave finds other more permanent means of preventing the offending wizard from continuing to step over the line. Of course, some see the Conclave as more than just a watchdog force, believing the organization is far more ambitious, with designs on controlling the wizard-king and the elders outright. A few believe the Conclave already exerts this control. Still, others insinuate connections between the Conclave and the rumored rise of shadow magic in Halruaa, a combination that is more than a little unsettling.
(Many believe the Conclave has a magically hidden fortress somewhere in the mountains of Halruaa)


Little is known officially about the fabled Conclave with really only suspected among the Council of Elders. Historical moments are attributed to them only to be "corrected" and then removed from history books later. Are they evil wizards or fighters of evil wizards is not known, but they wield immense power with at times brutal approaches to problems. Some speak in hushed whispers that claim that some among the elders have turned to Shar and the Shadow Weave as they are slowly usurping the reins of power from Zalathorm and the Council of Elders, ultimately planning to do away with the worship of Mystra and Azuth, and put Shar above all others. Others speak about how the Conclave is the Netherese Empire and now they have been quietly pulling strings to recreate their empire. Others promote them as benevolent wizards loyal to the Halruaan way of life and do things that cannot be done by the Council to protect the land from dark magics. Most believe the Conclave is just a tool for propaganda perpetrated by opposing sides in their struggles to jocking for political leverage. No one knows... but they are out there.   There does seem to be a pattern that usually places them at key moments of magical divergence; such as when a Halruaan faction left to form the nation of Nimbral, the first Wizard War which resulted in a sect of wizards that left to become the Thayans, and the second Wizard War in which the great Netyarch Zalathorm Kirkson battled the corrupted Akhlaur ultimately ending with the destruction of both sides. Which side the Conclave is on depends on which book you read but their interests all seem to revolve around the magical law and practices in the Halruaan society. Now with the Spellplague and the chaos that has erupted across Halruaa, the rumors of the Conclave taking control and turning the Elders into puppets is alive and well. Most believe they are trying to influence the Council of Elder's decision on who shall be the next Netyarch and to do away with the Edicts of Lumen which established the separation of power of the Council of Elders from controlling land and mercantile trade in Halruaa.
(Others believe the Conclave might be in possession of some of the most powerful magical artifacts in the world)


The Conclave at this moment in history is real, but who knows if that will remain true for the history books as time passes. The hardest part of gaining membership to The Conclave is finding a member to join as most do not know their members and their values until you are recruited. However, some things are well assumed as they are a secret society that is centered on gathering power independent of the political systems and laws of Halruaa. They are involved with the progression of magical development based on some unknown agenda but do not appear to want to destroy Halruaa since they have been accredited to protecting the magical institutions and people of the nation, but definitely seem to want more control over it. The expected belief is they opposed the dictates of the last Netyarch Zalathorm Kirkson and want to roll back to the true Mageocracy at the time of their founding. While it is believed they want to push the extent of magic further, they definitely support the Halruaan oversight methods it appears. Lastly "accepted" truth is the Conclave is after some great magical ritual that will forever change the ways of magic, but no one really knows what that might be.
(The magic of the world is a critical resource to be protected by the Conclave)
Members of the Conclave believe that magic has the power to shape the world and that it is their responsibility to use their knowledge and abilities to make the world a better place. They see themselves as guardians of magic and use their skills to protect it from those who would misuse it.


  • Advance knowledge and power in the arcane and in the mundane
  • Protect magical research
  • Prevent paths of magic that lead to destruction
  • Unlock the secrets of magic


  • Magic will be used to shape the world
  • Knowledge and understanding are vital
  • Loyalty is the greatest strength
  • Secrecy to protect yourself

Members Traits

Members of the Conclave are highly intelligent, ambitious, and deeply committed to the organization's goals. They are skilled problem-solvers, taking a meticulous and analytical approach to their work. As a secret society, they may prefer to work independently, outside of traditional power structures. They hold themselves to high ethical standards and seek to use their knowledge and abilities for the greater goals of their organization.


  • Concealer (rank 1)
  • Enigma (rank 2)
  • Keeper of Secrets (rank 3)
  • Delver of Secrets (rank 4)
  • The Grand Master of Secrets (rank 5)
"The Conclave may be secretive, but their power is undeniable. They hold the keys to the most powerful magic in the land."
— Xavierlyn Kirkson, Council of Elders


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