The Three Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

The Three

Faction Overview

A dragon cult based out of the kingdom of Unther, governed by three fiendish dragons who have the spark of divinity from a demigoddess known as the "Dark Lady" split among them. The cult has many enemies in Unther but is making gains in power to openly practice with several secured holding outside the Shifted Lands but has taken a vast interest in the planar convergence seeing it as an opportunity to gain power for the Dark Lady in the names of the three. They have raised an army, securing a foothold in the Shifted Lands, offering their army as a mercenary force in exchange for treasure for their dragon's hoard, but are more interested in converting those to the faith of the Dark Lady or recruit dragons to their cult.


dedicated to the "Dark Lady" better known as the demigoddess Tiamat. The Dark Lady was an avatar form for Tiamat that allowed her a great deal of power in the realm of Toril and was amassing followers to strengthen her power in an attempt to become a full goddess in the realm. However, with the Time of Troubles, the Dark Lady was "killed" and cleave into three distinct powerful fiendish dragons known as "The Three".  


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