Toytere Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil


Crime Lord of the Dead Rats


  Toytere is a halfling and the leader of the Dead Rats gang of Luskan in the late 15th century DR. Toytere had a weasel-like face, a red beard, and sharpened teeth. He carried a cane topped by a gold rat. Like many of the Rats, Toytere had some wererat blood although he never demonstrated any ability to shapeshift his body to the form of a wererat. Toytere had the Sight, which allowed him to see the future when in a trance. In the Year of Deep Water Drifting, 1480 DR, Toytere ordered the capture of the powerful spellscarred wizard Myrin Darkdance with the intent of turning her over to the Coin Spinners gang for payment. Realizing they couldn't hold a mage as powerful as Myrin, they led her to believe she was the new leader of the gang. Toytere was bitten by a rat infected with the Fury plague and slowly began to develop symptoms of the disease, becoming increasingly aggressive and irrational.
Aligned Organization


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