Umberlee (uhm-ber-LEE)


No community that lives by the sea can ignore the influence of Umberlee, the furious goddess whose tempestuous nature reflects and is reflected by the waters of the deep. Any such community makes sure to host festivals to propitiate the Wavemother and seek her favor. Although mercurial in temperament, she can be generous to those who do her honor, as is any great queen. The Bitch Queen is worshiped out of fear instead of adoration, and ship crews offer her gems, tossed over the side, to calm storm-tossed waters. As her most common moniker suggests, she is viewed as capricious and cruel with no firm ethical outlook; the sea is a savage place, and those who travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging her domain.   There is little in the way of an organized clergy of Umberlee. Her priests roam coastal cities, warning of doom and demanding free passage on ships in return for ensuring the goddess’s pleasure. Often they wear the colors of waves and storms, and they decorate themselves with items that remind others of the sea’s dangerous nature — a necklace of shark teeth, seaweed wrapped about a human bone, and so on. The preserved hand of a drowned person is thought to be a particularly holy object, and some of her few clerics use such severed hands as holy symbols. Umberlee does have a large number of shrines in the coastal cities, and sailors often leave flowers or small candies at them in hopes that she will spare them on their next voyage. Both Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate have true temples dedicated to Umberlee, staffed largely by the widows of sailors lost at sea.
(The Sea Bitch will challenge the sailors of a ship who dare cross her domain if her eyes comes upon it)

Ethos & Dogma

The sea is a savage place and those that travel it best be willing to pay the price for challenging Umberlee's domain. All should know the Bitch Queen and fear her, for the wind and the wave can reach everywhere if sufficiently angered. Umberlee was temperamental, evil, and malicious. She did not feel the moral obligation to honor any of her agreements or promises if the end result was not beneficial to her. That, and her desire for the valuables and excessive tributes, characterized her insatiable greed and cruelty. She was power-hungry and loved exercising it, toying with her worshipers. She fed her sadistic nature by destroying naval vessels and feeding shipwreck victims to her sharks while watching the others drown. She rarely favored individual mortals unless it benefited her in some way. Umberlee did not tolerate any one member of her clergy becoming famous and overshadowing the church and the goddess herself.

Religious Orders

  • Church of Umberlee
  • More information coming soon!
(Anger her and she will unleash horrors from the deep to shred your ship and claim your souls)

History & Relationships

Umberlee is one of the Deities of Fury. She serves Talos, along with Auril and Malar. Talos has been encroaching upon her portfolio and since she lacks the strength to fight him, Umberlee has been trying to distract him. She fights Selune and Valkur to whom sailors pray to bring them home safely, Chauntea for her dominion over the land, and Sune whose beauty she envies.
(Many live within her domain and offer their praises to their goddess)

Tenets of Faith

  • Fear and respect the sea
  • Power deserves tribute
  • Show your power
(The Bitch Queen, Umberlee, is the unbashful master of the Sea)

Holy Symbol

(The holy symbol of Umberlee)



  • The Bitch Queen
  • Great Queen of the Sea
  • Queen of the Depths
  • The Wavemother
  • Goddess of Oceans
  • Goddess of the Deep Wilds
  • Stormgoddess of the Seas
  • Sea Queen
  • Sea Bitch


  • Umberlant

Portfolio and Domains

  • Sea
  • Tempest
  • Chaos
  • Destruction

Common Worshipers

  • Coastal Dwellers
  • Sailors
  • Sentient Sea Creatures
  • Krakens

Favored Manifestations

  • Tidal Waves
  • Winds
  • Gigantic Aquatic Monsters
  • Sharks

Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Evil
“Coins are what matter. And to earn coins, one needs roads — or the love of Umberlee.”
— King Palaghard Obarskyr II of Cormyr


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