Urzoth' Kur Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Urzoth' Kur

Faction Overview

Urzoth' Kur is a union of orcish tribes, with many subservient goblinoid, ogre, and giant clans, who are the original inhabitants of the Beast Lands before the planar shift that brought the other kingdoms to their realm. Their Warchief, Gulthag Bloodhorn has purged any rivals to bring unity to the horde. Seizing the opportunity of newly arrived kingdoms in the Shifted Lands they capitalized on the confusion by raiding, conquering, and establishing their dominance over the southern regions. They bring terror and death with any tactics considered acceptable in the destruction of their enemies only showing mercy as a political tool when something can be gained. They are underestimated as dumb brutes, but their strength, advanced skill on the battlefield, and command over many beast have made them formidable threat to all who oppose them.
(Urzoth' Kur, the great horde of the Beastlands have raged war on the Shifted Lands with their mastery of beasts on the battlefield)


Once known as the "Beast Horde," the Urzoth' Kur primary goal is to expand their dominance over the Shifted Lands, taking control over strongholds in territories they believe rightfully belong to them. Seeking power, and resources they raze the kingdoms that have encroached upon their ancestral lands. The Warchief uses his military threats and political savvy to garner support beyond the borders of the Shifted Lands. Convincing native border nations he is the solution to the threats of the Shifted Lands rallying support and collecting tribute to fight the forces invading their realm. The challenge is maintaining unity within the horde, as internal power struggles can threaten the stability and strength of the Urzoth' Kur. Balancing the Warchief's iron rule with the aspirations and ambitions of his children and other rivals requires careful navigation. They also realize the other kingdoms they seek to conquer, cannot be allowed to forge alliances against them, it has been the will of the Warchief alone that has kept his targets focused instead of lashing out against all.   The Warchief's exceptional combat skills, strength, and military prowess have made him a fearsome opponent on and off the battlefield. Despite the terror he instills on the battlefield, the Warchief is surprisingly supportive of his own people and does not exhibit the usual greed and power corruption that consumes many orc chiefs to have their own people ultimately hate them. With shrewd political acumen, he maintains a balance between iron-fisted discipline and rewarding obedience. He manages internal rivalries within the Urzoth' Kur, utilizing his extensive family, including wives and children, to help govern and maintain control. The Warchief's daughters, especially, hold significant power as he personally trains them in the art of war and politics. As they reach adulthood, he offers them as wives to powerful warlords, ensuring their loyalty and support. If any doubts arise regarding loyalty, the chosen warlord is honored with leading the spearhead in the next battlefield assault, likely to meet a glorious death while the Warchief's capable daughters assume control of the fallen husband's affairs. The Warchief 's leadership is absolute, and his word is the law. Despite their fearsome reputation, the Urzoth' Kur holds a deep sense of kinship within their horde and will fiercely protect their own against external threats.
(Urzoth' Kur, are considered among the most ferocious and feared warriors in the Shifted Lands)


They possess a formidable stature, with muscular frames and prominent tusks. Their skin tones range from dark greens to deep browns, and they often adorn themselves with tribal tattoos, battle scars, and intimidating war paint. Known for their ferocity, they revel in the chaos of combat and take pride in their prowess on the battlefield. The horde's culture revolves around honor, loyalty, and the strength of their warbands. They value courage, skill, and resourcefulness, traits that are highly regarded among their people.
(The daughters of the Orc Lord are among the most skilled warriors who bind the many clans of the Urzoth' Kur together)


More information coming soon!
(The Urzoth'Kur are renowned warriors and beast calvary riders)


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