Veldorn Empire Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Veldorn Empire

Faction Overview

The Veldorn Empire is a draconic empire from Abeir seeking to reclaim its former glory and restore its lost territories within the Shifted Lands. The Veldorn Empire recognizes the need to establish defendable lines and regain control over strategic locations to consolidate their power. A significant challenge lies in the multifront war they face, requiring careful resource management and strategic decision-making. The Veldorn Empire is hard-pressed in the Shiftedlands as they are engaged in warfare with multiple enemies on several fronts but it directs its focus to neutralize the Court of the Stars. The deep-seated ancestral hatred between dragons and elves runs deep, their strongholds and people cannot occupy the same lands, the Veldorn Empire recognizes the threat posed by the potent elven magic and seeks to quell it - peace seems unlikely.
(The Veldorn Empire and their dragon knights give an advantage in the skies of the Shifted Lands which they can control the battlefield)


The origins of the Veldorn Empire trace back to the plane of Abeir, where it stood as a formidable dragonborn dominion. Governed by a feudal monarchy, the empire adhered to a traditional structure that encompassed dragonborn nobility presiding over individual fiefdoms. Within this hierarchical system, the presence of mighty dragons, representing a diverse array of draconic species, exerted significant influence and held positions of great power. However, all dragons, regardless of their might, owed fealty to the Dragon Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Veldorn Empire.   At the heart of the empire's lineage was a rare bloodline of Platinum Dragonborn, whose origins were veiled in myth and legend. The ascension of each new emperor from this noble lineage was celebrated as a momentous occasion, further reinforcing the imperial authority and granting a sense of divine right to rule. Supporting the dragonborn nobility were a myriad of lords and vassals who served as knights and protectors of the land, ensuring the strict control and regulation of the servant castes within their respective territories. Thriving within the realm of Abeir, the Veldorn Empire enjoyed a secure border and a prosperous society marked by relative stability. However, the empire's fortunes took a dramatic turn when a significant portion of its territory, including the illustrious capital of Drakken Hall, was abruptly and mysteriously transported into the enigmatic Shiftedlands. The cataclysmic event shattered the foundations of the empire and plunged it into a state of chaos and uncertainty.   As the empire found itself thrust into a new and hostile environment, wars and rebellions erupted on multiple fronts. The once-unified empire fractured as internal factions vied for power, and external forces sought to exploit the empire's weakened state. Yet, through sheer resilience and an unwavering determination to preserve their legacy, the Veldorn Empire weathered the storm. Relying on their strategically positioned fortress castles, which served as impregnable bastions, the empire's leaders rallied their forces and organized a fierce defense. The military prowess of the Veldorn Empire became an integral aspect of its identity during this tumultuous period. Augmented by their powerful draconic allies, the empire's armed forces employed a combination of disciplined warfare and ancient battle tactics to repel their adversaries. The dragons, revered as symbols of strength and guardianship, added an unmatched element of aerial might to the empire's military campaigns.   As the dust settled and the empire regained a measure of stability within the confines of the Shifted Lands, the Veldorn Empire directed its attention towards reclaiming its former glory. With steadfast determination, they sought to secure their position in this new realm, assert their dominance over neighboring factions, and establish a renewed order that mirrored the power and grandeur of their ancestral realm. While the path to restoring the empire's former glory remained arduous and treacherous, the indomitable spirit of the Veldorn Empire, fortified by their proud dragonborn heritage and the unyielding loyalty of their draconic allies, remained unwavering. In the face of adversity, they stood as a beacon of resilience, embodying the principles of honor, strength, and unrelenting determination that defined the legacy of the Veldorn Empire.
(Dragons and Dragonborn of all colors serve the Dragon Emperor and the Empire of Veldorn)


The Dragonborn of the Veldorn Empire exhibits a rich and distinctive culture, blending their draconic heritage with feudal traditions. Clad in formidable plate armor, the knights of the Veldorn Empire are renowned warriors, representing the pinnacle of martial excellence. Their armor often displays a variety of colors, symbolizing the numerous family and noble lines that emerged from their feudal background. The honor of battle holds great significance for the knights, and they take pride in their service to the empire. Dragonborn society places a strong emphasis on loyalty, duty, and the strength of its military. The presence of powerful draconic allies further enhances their military might, as these awe-inspiring creatures fight alongside their Dragonborn counterparts, cementing the empire's fearsome reputation.
(The Veldorn Empire has the might of their dragons to bring vast destruction to their enemies)


More information coming soon!
(The Veldorn Empire has conquered and absorbed many cultures, but the Draconic rule is always the pinnacle of their culture)


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