Velsharoon (VEL-shah-roon)


Velsharoon, also known as Mellifleur, was the Faerunian demigod of necromancy, the patron of liches and those that explored undeath. Arrogant and obsessed, the Archmage of Necromancy continued his experiments on the living and the dead as a god, paying no heed to the lesser lives lost in the name of his research and encouraging his disciples to do the same. Velsharoon appeared as a gaunt, sallow-skinned man 10 feet (3 meters) in height, his deathly cold flesh stretched thin over his bones, and his thin and graying hair flowed across his back in a snarl. He dressed in purple, worm-ridden, moth-eaten robes, with a tarnished silver crown on his head. His eyes were pitch-black pits with tiny green flames moving malevolently within.   Velsharoon's favored manifestation was a burning skull, wreathed in red, pale blue, or blue-green flames. He was fond of using various gemstones to denote his favor or presence of hues including black, purple, maroon, rust-red, gray, and a bright and unnatural green reminiscent of green slimes. The sudden appearance of a blood rose was said to herald him.  
(Vlesharoon can empower his necromancy from many sources, Weave, Shadow Weave, and the Elemental Chaos)

Ethos & Dogma

Life and death, to surrender to either one is to resign oneself to obscurity. True power lies in the twilight zone between life and death.   As a god, Velsharoon was canny, yet extremely vain and selfish, concerned overmuch with revenge and experimenting on both living and dead. This was not a great change from the mortal he was. Most worshipers of Velsharoon spent the vast majority of their time in pursuit of necromantic research. Undead servitors were common and were released to wander the land when their purpose had been served. The cult of Velsharoon was responsible for the creation of many kinds of undead, including bloodhulks, serpentirs, and even baneguards. Servants of Velsharoon were also known to have attempted to incapacitate, trap, or turn the Magister undead, an act which Mystra took quite personally. Lower-ranking clerics often aided small communities with healing magic in order to collect funds for their research.

Religious Orders

  • Cult of Vehlsharoon
  • More information coming soon!
(The power of necromancy with the promises of immortality of being a Lich attract many followers to Velsharoon's ranks)

History & Relationships

As a mortal, Velsharoon was a renegade Red Wizard of Thay whose chief rival was Szass Tam. He discovered a method laid forth by Talos for a mortal to achieve divinity, but realized the Storm Lord would exploit him until he was destroyed. Velsharoon shifted his allegiance to Azuth who, with Mystra's help, blocked Talos from seeking vengeance. Vesharoon has though begun his alliance again with Talos and has been working with Shar. Velsharoon loathes Cyric, Jergal, and Kelemvor, for all three routinely upset his plans.
(Liches all offer praise and power to Velsharoon)

Tenets of Faith

  • Life and death are the twin faces of eternal existence
  • True power lies in undeath
  • Research magic, specifically necromancy for knowledge is power
  • Let no one stop you in the pursuit of power
(Velsharoon, the Patron of Liches)

Holy Symbol

(The holy symbol of Velsharoon)



  • Archmage of Necromancy
  • The Necromancer
  • The Vaunted
  • Lord of the Forsaken Crypt
  • Lord of the Forgotten Crypt
  • The Lich-Lord
  • Patron of Evil Liches

Portfolio and Domains

  • Liches
  • Necromancy
  • Undeath

Common Worshipers

  • Necromancers
  • Liches

Favored Manifestations

  • Scarab Beetles
  • Blazing bones
  • Crawling Claws
  • Flesh Golems
  • Lich
  • Bloodrose

Divine Classification
Dead Power
Neutral Evil


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