Councilman Rank/Title in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil



For someone to reach the rank of councilman:
  • It must has been a colored assistant for at least 10 years
  • It must has mastery over its color
  • It must have given a significant contribution
  • It must have enought support for all areas of the organization


The appointment is secretely by nature. It happens in a different place each time. Sometimes in the The Frontier Forest, sometimes in one of the two cities in The Peninsula, or in the wilderness in between.   There are 15 councilmans, 10 needs to be choose in secret, each one a different color. The other 5 are in safe territory, so it identity can be known and shared. Each year, a different councilman will be elected, which is why the term is for 10 years.   The colored assistants for the color councilman, which is to be elected, meet at the choosen location. They have with them a very specific artefact called the grey spin. After the artefact is loaded, the meeting can start. All present members debate who is best to lead the council for the next 10 years, there are no formal nomination, but both the current councilman and all assistants can put from an speech, explaining why they are the best choice for the role.   After this, a vote is cast out. The councilman with more votes, will be elected for the next 10 years.   Just before closing the meeting, the grey spin is deactivated. Everyones memories of the events of the meeting will be stored on it and deleted from the owner. This artefact, is stored in a safe place, which all members know. It can be loaded by any member which was originally present. If someone else, tries to access it, it will instead absorb all its memories, leaving it a vegatable.


The councilman must ensure, everything on it's department runs smothly. There are normally several guilds, which respond to him directly and more indirectly.   They must, advance the cause and keep the secrecy, until they are ready to reveal themselves and take control of what its theirs.
Civic, Political
Length of Term
10 years
Related Locations


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