Crystal family Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Crystal family

The land is dying, our gods have turned against us, but we will continue. if the gods have forsaken us, we will forsake them and make our own path to the future. The ancestors have left us a path, we will follow it and flourish.
— Utena Crystal
  The Crystal Family are the royal family in Entrelai since its creation and one of the founding families in Spiralai.  



At the time of the funding, the Crystal family was part of a nomadic tribe. They used to live in the plains, which used to exist beyond the mountains. Those plains don't exist today. On its place now stand The impossible dessert. It was when, the dessert started to replace the plains, that Utena Crystal, the oldest lady of the family, received a vision. It showed a protected area, where no beast, enemy or phenomenon could enter. She promised, that if they reached it, it would bless the family and the tribe for all generations to come.  
Upon arrival, they settle themselves in and around the spiral mountain, which proved to be a troublesome decision. This is because another tribe arrived shortly at the protected area and settle around the peripheric towers. It turns out, both the spiral mountain and the peripheric towers were needed to activate, the city defences.
The 4 initial settlements:
  • A kind of a fort in the spiral mountain, as it gave them a good view of the whole area to control. This expanded towards a noble area, in a very short space of time.
  • Farmlands in the prairies between the mountain and the river
  • Fishing and seafaring installation next to the river, this group would become the core of the community of hunters
  • A fourth group emerged, to search for other groups out there and bring them forth towards the safety of the city.
  •   This allowed The Sinclave, to challenge The Crystal's claim to the area. Over the next 200 years, The family found and recruited sympathizers from nearby areas to keep and increase the area of the city, they control. They engage in political games and sometimes even direct confrontations to defend their claim.


    This cadence continued until Crystal family leader Garash Crystal, worried about the growth of other families, besides The Sinclave and the lack of focus on the greater Crystal family, decided to propose a truce to the SInclave family. A political marriage to join both families and consolidate power in the city. This alliance would be completed with the marriage of his son Gitlam Crystal to Minh Sinclave. Under the term of this alliance:
  • The guild of commerce, which has always been disputed will pass to Sinclave control. Tax management for the head families will also be in Sinclave control.
  • The city administration and the tower which could be activated to protect the city, with the Spiral mountain, will be transferred to Crystal control.
  • The head of the new kingdom, which would be born under this alliance will have the Crystal name.
  • War of Unification

    After the consolidation of power and the proclamation of the kingdom of entrelai, the different members of the Crystal were given specific areas where they could collect rent and taxes, as long as they give part of it to the head family tax fund, in Sinclave control.   When the region of the West refused to accept, the city controlled. They decided to give an example to any who would want to defy their new rule. The war which ensue was the first trial of fire for the new alliance and the kingdom and thanks to the excellent management of the family, they were victorious.   The family, then decide to use this victory, both as a message and a political tool to consolidate more power in the city. In a simple move, they effectively reduce the influence of one of the most critical voices against the alliance in the city and introduce a new commodity, Slaves. They would effectively replace, most of the work being done by the Community of Hunters.  

    Up to the present time

    The family has been keeping with the same strategies, which have set them where they are.    

    Family structure

    Up to Unification

  • Everyone who carries the name Crystal is considered part of the family and needs to offer obedience and tribute to the family head.
  • The family head changes when the current one dies or abdicates.
  • The successor is chosen between those who carry the crystal name and decide to enter the succession race.
  • After Unification

  • After unification, only the royal family was allowed to carry the Crystal name directly, those who did have it up to that point, change it in exchange for lands or privileges.
  • If they were directly related to the royal family, they received the title Cristaline to add to their name. This title is personal and can only be inherited by their direct descendants.
  • If they were not, received the title Clear to add to their name. Anyone born from someone with the Crystalline tittle will receive this title as well.
  • Any two people with the Crystalline tittle can't formalize a union, to prevent inbreeding. They are free to do so with anyone who carries the Clear title.

    Belief and Agenda

    Before their migration, because of the appearance of the Impossible Desert, they are said to believe in the gods of nature, after that, they believe themselves to be forsaken by those gods and instead of accepting this fate, they decided to forsake the gods in return and forge their own path in the world, following the ancient path to the future.   Currently, their agency is to ensure Entrelai future continues in the Crystal family hands. Numenera exploration and the continuous taming of the land, they live in.

    Follow the past to the Future.



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