entrelai-forest guerrilla

This conflict does not have an official name, because officially it doesn't exist.


Your majesty, I propose an idea, which would give us all the riches of the forest and a new entry point towards the sea
  The red-wood settlement had always had a troubled existence, a price to pay for being the main force containing the forest at its border, which was their primary reason for existence. This was the reason the town would only scrape by in their operations.   It was when an ambitious young Lord, Theo yares, saw the opportunity to make his name. He challenged the noble family that controlled the town and presented his ambitious vision of what it could become: a new exit towards the sea for Entrelai, if only they received enough support to clear a way through the forest and pacify the monsters that inhabited it. This is not a war but the pacification of a savage area to bring civilization.

How long are we going to stand still, while the royals kill us and take what they want? They killed our allies while we look elsewhere and now they are coming for us
  The people of the forest call it a war, as for them, it represents an invasion from the same people who killed many of their allies. However, they are not truly a unified force, but rather a collection of tribes who, up until that point, only shared The Heart as a unifying force. After several diplomatic councils, most tribes have set aside their issues with neighbouring tribes to focus on removing Entrelai from the forest. And they have given The heart of the forest as part of the forest tribes and the creation of the The shadow council is also working well for this conflict, as they are providing invaluable intelligence regarding the enemy.


The creation of the red-wood settlement caused one of the first tribe councils to coordinate on how to deal with the situation. Initially, their stance was defensive; those from the town who wandered too far into the forest were given warnings to turn back. The town, in turn, ignored those warnings. Instead, when a forest incursion was required. It was given an armed escort, to keep those given the warnings at bay.   With time, the encounters between both groups turned violent. Those encounters could be won by either side, escalating the situation on both sides. The armed escorts from those in red-wood settlement became bigger and more aggressive, and quick preemptive strikes replaced the warnings previously given before by those in the forest.  

Lord Yares escalation

Recently, a new lord has arrived at the red-wood settlement. He brought a radically new vision for the town. He brought with him a radically new vision for the town. It was no longer seen as a place to keep the forest at bay. Under his command, it would tame the forest and utilize its resources to make the city rich and prosperous. He brought along a huge number of troops and a small army of nanoto create and maintain numenera devices that could cause devastation over large areas of the forest in a short period of time. His new method consisted of arriving in a new area of the forest, deploying those devices to pacify that space, fortifying the surroundings, and then moving operations to the next section.   This new method is proving successful, for now. However, the resources required to defend it are becoming quite expensive and it has triggered several reactions from the forest people's side, which could have catastrophic consequences not only for the red-wood settlement but for Entrelai at large.   The forest people have made a number of moves to respond to this escalation. The one that could have the most significant consequence for Entrelai at large, is the acceptance of Serene as one of the forest tribes and the fact that now, for the first time ever, the forest tribes now have a unified army under the command of The heart of the forest. Even though raids still occur almost daily, the forest people believe that the war can only be won with a long and more strategic approach.



Led by

The forest people


  • The have the support of the state army, which can bring a high turnover of people to defend their base and mount new attackts
  • They have access to Academics University members for numenera and materials
  • They know the forest very well. In a place so naturally dangerous as the forest can be, this is a huge advantage.
  • They know their enemy, and they know they are normally stationary or slow moving
  • They got better inteligence information, which aids them into taking better decicions
  • Casualties

  • They don't really know their enemy. It's their belief, they being attacked salvages in the forest
  • They don't know the area they are trying to conquer
  • They got considerable less people to send attack parties
  • They got very little support outside of the forest, both in terms of people and numenera assistance.
  • Objectives

  • They want to create another access to the ocean, throught the forest
  • They want to keep expanding their settlement and forestry operation throught the forest resources
  • They want to pacify the salvages tribes which keep attacking their settlement
  • Expel Entrelai from the forest and ensure it keeps out of it.


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