Forest and sea smoke surprise

On the second half of the late sewing season, the swither goth return from the sea towards the forest, where it will mate. This is a great event and it provides Serene with an abundand source of meat, that can be cured or dry in salt for the winter.

During this time, most of the produce has already been collected, but the trees and bushes in nearby forests, continue to produce nuts and berries. Since the fish once cooked is almost as black as coal, the white chesnut and brigh yellow waterberries are the most visually appaling when presenting this dish.

During this time, most of the produce has already been collected, but the trees and bushes in nearby forests, continue to produce nuts and berries. Since the fish once cooked is almost as black as coal, the white chesnut and brigh yellow waterberries are the most visually appaling when presenting this dish.

The swither goth is the real star of this dish. This fish lives in the ocean, but every years it goes to the forest, seemingly to die as it is never seen coming back.

Posible substitutes

If you can't get hold of chesnut or waterberries, any oily nut and sweet berry can be used as replacement to complement the intense unami flavour of the swither goth.

To wrarp it all while it cook, the best wrapper is always seagrass leaf, collected in the same area as the fishes where. If for some reason, this is unavailable, normal grass, recently cut and weave together is a good substitute. It recomended you add some aditional salt, if you do this, as grass is sweeter than seagrass.



Once you gather all the ingredients, you can start cooking. You must start by reserving some of the nuts and berries whole for the basket. Crush the rest of the nuts until the drop some of their oil. Separate the oil and nut bits, reserve them both.

If you got more that one type of berries, you can choose to crush and mix them together until you have a consistent tone in your sauce. Or if you prefer, crush them separatly to create two different color sauces for a better contrast in the dish. On any case, mix the sauce with the nut oil. You will need equal amount of nut oil for each berry sauce you have decided to prepare.

Once your sauce is consistent, taste it. You can add salt if it's too sweet and honey if it is too salty.

When you are happy with the result, apply it to all the fishes, covering all the sides. After you are finished, put each fish in a separate seagrass leaf, add the reserved nut bits from before in top and wrap the leaf around the fish. Put all the fished prepared this way into a steaming basket. Finally add the reserved whole nuts and berries to the basquet as well. You can steam the basquet anywhere, but it give the fish a added flavour, if it's done in top of the frost soup.   Once the fish is ready, enjoy the last flavour of the sewing months in the The docks.


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