Ginny zats

Basic Information


The Ginny zats are furry animals. They are characterized by their long, curly hair around their torso and belly, and really short and rough around the head. They have 6 small and muscular legs, that can be used to burrow themselves out of trouble, very quickly. They can also stand straight in their back 2 legs, to reach anything that is slightly higher, than themselves. They are capable of a limited degree of object manipulation with their 2 frontal legs. The central legs seem to be the most dedicated one to burrow in the ground.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures reproduce sexually. They can only care for one litter at a time, as little Ginny zats (zatties), produce a hormone to inhibit fertility in their parents. If the hormone is not present, they become fertile in the warm season. This usually happens around 3 times in their lifetime. Both male and female, can enter heat, while they are inhibited by their offprint hormone, but even if the mate, this will not lead to pregnancy.   The pregnancy last around 45 to 50 days, they can have up to 3 zatties, but the usual number if 1 or 2 zatties. Both Female and Male produce milk, but unless, the zatties feed from both, the Male will stop producing, in a few days. The female will produce milk, until the zatties stop needing it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can eat anything, the main reason, they are domesticated, is for their ability to eat any residue and produce a rich manure, that can be stored to cultivate the land.

Biological Cycle

The Ginny zats live up to 10 years, they reach adulthood around 2 years after they are born, and will become fertile, one year after that. They live in familiar units, male offprint will not mate with others in the same family unit, unless they don't have any other choice. Matting does not always create a family unit, but when a male and female create a family unit, those last for life. This does not stop them, matting with others outside the family unit, specially when young.

Additional Information


There is is two main reason, this little furry creatures are domesticates all over Navarene :
  • They are social with their own and territorial with other species of vermin, which mean they don't need a lot of care and keep any other burrowed creatures and pest away.
  • They can eat practically anything, with a preference for organic material or food that slightly pass, so no longer good for human consumption
Many also collect their body hair, to make small garments, normally gloves, scarfs or baby clothes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are domesticated in Navarene and to a lesser extent in all the steadfast areas. It is unclear why they are more popular in Navarene , that in the other kingdoms, specially since rumours says, that it was an old Amber Pope, in Draolis, the one who discovered this animal useful characteristics and domesticated it.   They thrive in temperate areas, so they are expected in the wild in a good portion of the beyond as well.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The primary sense these creatures uses to perceive their world is smell. They can perceive tiny differences on any particular smell, other invading creatures and predators, from a really far distance. Their second sense is related to vibrations. They don't perceive sound like us, but can know where creatures and in some cases, Numernera artefacts or phenomena are by the vibration they produce.   Their vision is poor, as the rest of the sensory capabilities.
10 years
Conservation Status
This species is domesticated in all Naverene areas. This is also true in the other Steadfast kingdoms, but not to the same extent. They thrive in temperate climates, so it's expected, they exist in the wild, in other areas, as well.
Average Height
Adult and domestic, 15-20 cm
Average Weight
Adult and domestic, 3-4 kg
Average Length
30-35 cm from head to back


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