Nieten purpleglass Character in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Nieten purpleglass

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, agile and healthy, her appearance is a little wild, as since her parent died, she spend most of her time, in the nearby forest. Most people in town, don't hear her approaching.

Body Features

Tall and slender, her body is normally covered on her hunter clothes, the structure of her body is rectangular, with her should being the same size as her hips. She barely has any visible but or breast, below her clothes.   She has a mark on her left hand, a reminder on her first lesson, with the actual family sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nieten, was less than 10 years, when her parent, Skeera and Rushan, decided to join the group to settle in Ellomyr. They were hunters, that used to live in the area outside the walls, in Greenleaf.   During the journey, she was initiated in the joy of the hunt, Skeera made her an arrow and Rushan, teach her the rudiment on how to use a sword. She proved very adept with both instrument and managed to even hunt some small creatures before the journey was completed.   Once, in Ellomyr, they decide to settle down their house, in the other side of the river, to help pastor the Gallen and be close to the forest, where most of their hunt was going to take place. They also cooperated in the patrols around the village, to keep it secure from abhumans. It was this last task, that took their life, in the first abhuman raid. Thanks to their valiant sacrifice, the abhumans were repealed with minimal looses to other people and the building.   After that, Nieten, age 14, was allowed to keep by herself on their parent house, with several families, checking on her from time to time, to ensure her wellbeing. She also kept her father glass sword, called purpleglass, that give the family their name.   Already a good hunter, she kept pushing her abilities, gaining the recognition of the village, as their most successful hunters, at her young age.

Mental Trauma

Her parent death at the hand of abhumans, while she was still so young, have left a mark on her. She is retracted on herself. Good observers, but not very good at communication. She also is very vocal on the need for the village to get better defences and the evil of the abhumans.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is not interested, in ruins or old mysteries, except if they could be used to bost the city defences. But one of the few times, she would actually become a good orator, is when she encounters a particular beautiful place in the forest and is asked to describe it.   She has learned to read and write with Nairde Tardia. She also likes to describe some of the places she has seen to her, as she has good abilities to paint them. Her other area of expertise, has made her an excellent tracker and guide around the nearby forest.
Current Location
Green/blue depending of the light
dark brown, normally attached in the back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
umber tonality. many says it match the color of the wood in the forest
1.70 m


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