
Member of the Ruins explorations for all!. Supervisor of the group

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a prostetic leg, he frenquely touches, which signals that is a recent adition. Apart from this, he show the marks of someone who has been doing a good amount of physical activity until rencenly. While his left leg, the healthy is very muscular. His arms are less so and he has starting to develop a small belly.

Facial Features

The first impresion anyone would get of him are his eyes, which are brown and very alert, specially if he was not expecting company. After a moment, if you are in good terms with him, you will see this expresion melting into the equivalent of a warm embrace.

Physical quirks

He touchs his prostetic right leg, very frequenly, probably as a consequence of this implant being very recent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Onda is born and raised in Serene, the Stranded Ship, he has the city on his blood, some say literaly, as he has the charasteristic bronw with green undertones, that normally mark a descendant of the original settlelers to the city. As such, he grow up, inside the Ship, with other kids like him. He was educated in the ship internal school and when he come of age, have an intense desire to contribute towards the shared cause against the royals. Since he has no desire to enlist in the military, he decided to train to become a ruin explorer. With other members of their youngh gang, they enroled in Ruins explorations for all! as group and were moderatly sucesfull finding ruins and artefacts to bring back to the organization. Unfortunally and bad encounter with an old machine left him with a prostetic leg, he can barely control.   After this, he found himself in a position to supervise new ruins explorer groups, like the one he used to be in, at least, until he learn how to control his leg better or can find another prostetic which suits him better.

A charismatic leader with some adventures in his back, currently supervising the group

Character Location
Current Location
Ruin exploration for all main headquarter
View Character Profile
Brown, warm and
dark brown, almost black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown with green hues
Aligned Organization


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